David Beckham's grope shock
2010-Jan-22 09:24:06

David Beckham's grope shock

British soccer star David Beckham had his penis grabbed by an Italian journalist trying to discover how large his manhood was.

David Beckham had his penis grabbed by a woman trying to check the size of his testicles.

Italian journalist Elena Di Cioccio took the soccer star by surprise as she put on a pair of rubber gloves and grabbed his manhood - to see whether or not he lived up to his nickname 'Golden Balls', which he was famously dubbed by wife Victoria Beckham.

She said: "I want to find out how big his testicles are!"

David - who was happily speaking to press outside a hotel in Milan before the incident - recoiled in shock and glared at the blonde reporter before being led away by security staff.

She then went running down the street shouting "E piccolo, Beckham", which translates into "Beckham is small."

The journalist apparently wanted to see whether or not David's package was as impressive in real life as it appeared in his Armani underwear campaign.

However, she was filmed running alongside his car screaming, "You've taken us for a ride! How could you? David!"

Moments before the woman pounced, David had been chatting with another blonde reporter.

When she asked him what he liked most about the Italian city, he replied: "Everything. People have been incredible to me around the city."

After David had been driven away, Di Cioccio had seemingly still not recovered from her experience.

She told her camera crew for The Hyenas, broadcast on Italia1: "Mmm, my God. I touched his b***s."

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