Iran to produce 20% enriched uranium itself: president
2009-Dec-2 21:54:33

TEHRAN: Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday Iran will produce 20 percent enriched uranium itself.

"Iran will produce the 20 percent (enriched uranium) fuel and anything that it needs itself," Ahmadinejad made the remarks in Iran's central city of Isfahan in live broadcast of state IRIB TV.

"From our point of view, the nuclear issue is already over," Ahmadinejad said.

Referring to the recent move by the six world major powers -- five permanent members of UN Security Council plus Germany -- in voting against Iran and to put pressure on the country on nuclear program, he added that "Iranian nation will not talk with you (G5+ 1) on nuclear issue."

UN nuclear watchdog IAEA has brokered a draft deal proposal which called for shipping some 70 percent of Iran's low-enriched uranium to Russia and France in exchange for fuel rods for research use, Iran has agreed to swap the fuel within its soil or otherwise to upgrade its low-enriched fuel itself.

Last Friday, the IAEA board of governors passed a resolution during a meeting last Friday in Vienna, calling for the "full cooperation" of Iran to clarify all outstanding issues involving its nuclear program and requiring Iran to stop construction on the newly-disclosed Fordo uranium enrichment facility near the central Iranian city of Qom.

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