Beijing Bites
2009-Dec-2 09:38:22

Man questioned over bullet

A bullet was found in the luggage bag of commuter who intended to enter the city's subway on Sunday, the Beijing Morning Post reported yesterday.

The man surnamed Jiang, of Henan province, said the bullet was a gift from a friend after a police X-ray machine discovered it.

Police are questioning the man. The subway police reiterated they would step up security checks and reminded people not try to carry dangerous items in their bags.

Emergency fund for poor

The Capital Charitable Public Welfare Organization Federation is calling for donations for an emergency hospital fund in Dongcheng district. The aim is to collect 2 million yuan. The fund will be used to pay the medical bills for people who cannot afford emergency expenses, like victims of traffic collisions or critically ill poor people. The charity said beneficiaries would repay the money after they recover.

Site cement mixing banned

Cement mixing will be banned in central Beijing, according to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

The directive, which is effective immediately, applies to all the construction projects funded by the municipal government, the commission said.

Construction companies that violate the rule will be fined and named and shamed in media. The amount of the fine was not announced.

City adopts homeless cats

Cat lovers in the city have adopted 50 cats that were rescued in neighboring Tianjin municipality last week, Beijing Evening News reported yesterday.

The 50 were among more than 700 cats captured in Tianjin that would have been slaughtered. Local police received a tip-off and rescued the animals.

Pet lovers have adopted the cats, which had to be quarantined, but the rest in Tianjin were still waiting to be adopted, the report said.

Cars hit 3.97 million

More than 10,000 new vehicles were registered and more than 11,000 people received driving licenses in Beijing last week, the city's traffic authority said yesterday.

The city now has 3.97 million vehicles and more than 5.5 million licensed drivers.

Lying bride jailed

Haidian court yesterday sentenced a woman to two years in jail after she conned a man into marrying her and stole money from him.

Xu Xiaoyun, 41, claimed she was the daughter of an ambassador and convinced a postgraduate surnamed Li to marry her with a fake identity.

She promised to help him study in the US with her connections and asked him for 20,000 yuan, the court heard.

Her lie was discovered shortly after their marriage as she kept asking money from the man's family.


Beijing Bites
A policeman from Shunyi district displays stolen laptops
recovered from a gang of university campus thieves yesterday.


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