Family charge Kadeer with organizing riots
2009-Aug-3 11:54:19

BEIJING: Family members of Rebiya Kadeer blamed her affiliation for organizing the riot in Urumqi on July 5 and apologized to the victims in two separate letters made public Monday.

Kadeer's son Khahar, daughter Roxingul and younger brother Memet wrote a letter to her, expressing their discontent for her betrayal of taking part in separatist activities and voicing their moral indignity over the riot.

"Because of you, many innocent people of all ethnic groups lost their lives in Urumqi on July 5, with huge damage of properties, shops and vehicles," they wrote. "The harmony and unity among ethnic groups were damaged."

They held Kadeer and the World Uygur Congress (WUC) responsible for the riot. "Evidence proved the riot was organized by the WUC, led by Rebiya Kadeer, and implemented by a group of separatists within the Chinese borders."

"Those, who committed crimes, should take their own responsibilities."

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