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Work smart is more important than working hard
Wendy  Updated: 2003-12-17 07:04

Dear Chairman,

Please allow me take the liberty to tell you some of my thoughts. In my opinion, quality is more important than quantity. Sometimes I somehow get an impression that you are like the man who draw a snake and add feet to it---ruin the effect by adding sth. superfluous.

Question1: What's your objective in posting your opinions?
eg. to get respect from the forum public. to educate? to counter-attack? to improve China's image & reputation?...............

Question 2: Who's your target audience and what kind of message do you need to send?
eg. Foreign guests? the Chinese youth? The CCP? the anti-china enemies? I'm afraid you need to analyse your audience first. (psychological+demographic+behavioral analysis)

Note: It's crucial to accurately identify the 'target audience' and send the specific message to different segments accordingly. If you repeat the old and same message again and again to someone who has already got too much or who don't need it at all, you will annoy them. You will fail even though you look very busy.

Question 3: How can you deliver your message and hit your target audience effectively?

eg. in a friendly, patient and constructive manner, use clear and well-grounded facts and arguements, make your information updated,interesting and stimulating...maintain a friendly and democratic environment and secure a good impression for your audience....if you insist to use abusive attacks, sadly, I'm afraid you've already lost the "battle" with your matter how much energy or time you have invested in preparing for the insults.

I'm not picky about the topics but I don't like repetition of my 15 years' textbooks. We've known all the facts, Japanese know too, they just respect powerful country like U.S.A, therefore, if you want apology, do more practical job, keep the history in mind and we should get the power first and the apology and respect will be summoned by then!

On one hand, you are anxious to get Taiwan returned to the motherland, on the other hand, you discourage and scare my Taiwanese friends by the threatening and abusive words. I had planned to generate some positive feelings about reunification by showing them the sentiments and love of mainlanders but in the end, they just gave me a sympathetic glance and said: "are you serious? Wendy, look at your experience there, the "anti-devilism" is overwelming in mianland, democracy and personal rights means a lot to us Taiwanese, we don't want to be treated as devils!!!...."I was dumbfounded when I heard their comments....

Yours sincerely,

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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