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请看《中国日报》的相关报道:The World Cup countdown kicks off on Wednesday night as the competition's favourites begin theirwarm-upmatches a little over three months before the start of Germany's football extravaganza. Brazil, Argentina, France, England, Germany and Italy are all in action on a night of international friendlies.

报道中的warm-up match就是体育界常提及的"热身赛",可简写为warm-up,由动词词组warm up衍变而来。Warm up原指运动员上场前"先热热身,做一下准备活动",如:The crowd waited patiently while the teams warmed up(双方队员在做准备活动时,人群在耐心等待)。由此,我们还可得到另外一个句子,The singers are warming up before the concert(歌手们在音乐会开始前一直在排练)。

此外,warm up本意是"加温,使暖和",所以这个动词词组还可引申为"使气氛活跃";因此,名词词组warm-up也可用来指人们冬天穿的"保暖衣"。


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