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Bush awards posthumous Medal of Honor
Paula Wolfson


Bush awards posthumous Medal of Honor  Listen to this story

His name was Paul Ray Smith. He was an Armysergeantin Iraq, a career soldier, and a hero. "We count ourselves blessed to have soldiers like Sergeant Smith who put their liveson the lineto advance the cause of freedom and protect the American people," said Mr. Bush.

Two years after his death, Paul Ray Smith was remembered at the White House. With his wife and two children standing nearby, President Bush paid tribute to the first Medal of Honor recipient of the war in Iraq. "The Medal of Honor is the highest award for bravery a president can bestow. It is given for gallantry above and beyond the call of duty in the face of enemy attack," he said.

He recalled how Sergeant Smith defended his men against a surprise attack on April 4, 2003, just days before the fall of Baghdad.

They were working in a courtyard near the Baghdad Airport when members of Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard opened fire.

Sergeant Smith led a counter attack. With many of his men injured, he climbed on a damaged armored vehicle, and started firing its machine gun. "Sergeant Smith continued to fire until he took a fatal round to the head. His actions in that courtyard saved the lives of more than 100 American soldiers," he said.

Several of them were at the White House for the award ceremony, along with a few past Medal of Honor recipients.

It is a select group. Only three such Medals have been awarded since the Vietnam War. And President Bush noted that more than half of those bestowed since World War II were presentedposthumouslyto soldiers killed while performing such heroic acts.


sergeant: any of several ranks of noncommissioned officers in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps.(士官,美国军队中任一种未被任命军衔的军官)

on the line: 处于危险中

posthumous: occurring or continuing after one's death(死后的)

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