Farmers in Riodeva cleared stones from their almond orchards for generations, never dreaming they weretossing asidedinosaur bones -- and laying a trail for one of Spain's greatest fossil finds.
But when twopaleontologists stumbled acrossa field scattered with the fragments they knew they had probably found a valuablecacheand when digging began in early 2003 it revealed ahoardbeyond their wildest hopes. The remains of the largest dinosaur found in Europe, including an upper limb bone as big as a person -- 5 feet 9-1/2 inches -- werenestlingjust below the surface in this remote corner of the central Spanish region of Aragon. "To find lots of bones is amazing. To find such a big animal is extraordinary, and to find it in Europe isextra-terrestrial," said Alberto Cobos, the man who recognized the potential of the site. The hugereptile, which weighed an estimated 40 to 50 tons, the same as six or seven elephants, probably roamed the region up to 130 million years ago when it was a tropical "dinosaur paradise,"crisscrossedwith rivers and streams. Huge, perfectly preserved toe bone fossils and even a single curved nail, larger than a human hand, were found with a rib and leg and possibly pelvic bones. The herbivore's bones were jumbled with remains from other, smaller animals -- including teeth fromcarnivoresthat may have feasted on its flesh. Up to 114 feet long, the dinosaur could represent a new species, although the team uncovering it is wary of jumping to conclusions -- but its size alone is enough to put Riodeva firmly on the map. The largest known dinosaurs have been found in Latin America and the new Spanish dinosaur claims the record for Europe, Cobos said. (Agencies)
| 西班牙里奥德瓦的果农们世代为杏园清理石子,可他们做梦都没有想到自己在不断丢弃恐龙遗骨,并为发现西班牙最伟大的化石之一提供了线索。 当两位古生物学家偶然发现一片散落着这些碎片的田地时,他们意识到他们可能发现了一个珍贵的秘密隐藏处。2003年初,当挖掘工作开始时,结果超出了他们最狂热的期望,他们发现了一个宝库。
这是欧洲目前发现的最大的恐龙残骸,其中包括一块长达5英尺9.5英寸,差不多有一人长的上肢骨骼,这些残骸埋藏在西班牙中部阿拉贡地区偏远角落的地下。 “发现那么多骨骼是令人惊讶的;发现这么大的动物是极不平常的;而在欧洲发现它就更像天方夜谭了。”阿尔韦托·科沃斯说,他意识到此地潜在的价值。 这只巨大的爬行动物估计有40到50吨重,相当于六七头大象的体重之和。一亿三千万年前,它可能在这片地区游荡,当时这里是河流交错的热带“恐龙天堂”。
这里发现了巨大的、保存完好的足趾骨化石,甚至还有一片比人手还大的弯曲的趾甲,同时发现的还有一根肋骨和一条腿,还有一些可能是组成骨盆的骨头。 这只食草恐龙的骨头和其他小动物的遗骸混杂在一起,其中包括可能曾经饱餐过恐龙尸体的食肉动物的牙齿。 这头体长达114英尺的恐龙也许代表着一种新的物种,尽管发现它的调查队小心翼翼地避免匆忙下结论,但仅凭它的体格就足以使里奥德瓦在地图册中占有一席之地。
toss aside:扔弃 paleontologist:古生物学者 stumble across:偶然发现 cache:秘密储藏处 hoard:宝库,积蓄 nestle:位于,坐落在 extra-terrestrial: 地球外的,宇宙的 reptile:爬行类动物 crisscross:纵横交错 herbivore:食草动物 carnivore:食肉动物
(中国日报网站译) |