Look inside almost anyone's purse or pocket, and it probably contains at least a mobile phone and a wallet bulging with bills, coins, receipts, credit cards, IDs, train or buspassesand any number of membership cards.
In Japan, that may soon be a thing of the past as the mobile industry aims to combine the two with a small embedded chip that can also store money and personal information. NTT DoCoMo Inc., Japan's largest mobileoperator, on July 18 became the first operator to launch a wallet phone, equipped with Sony Corp.'sFeliCa smart chip, which can be quickly read by passing it over a scanner. "FeliCa is going to be a basic requirement for me when I upgrade my phone," said 31-year-old Norihiko Fujimori, who works for a Japanese Internet Startup in Tokyo. "It'll be extremely convenient if my phone can contain everything." The concept of a wallet phone is justgetting off the ground, but the smart chip technology is not new in Asia. Tokyo commuters have used "Suica" train passes with an embedded FeliCa chip for nearly three years, and 9,000 convenience stores, restaurants and retail outlets around the country accept pre-paidrechargeable debit cardsknown as Edy. "The biggest advantage of Edy is that it gets rid of coins and transactions are faster," said Takashi Nakamura, manager at bitWallet Inc., which operates the Edy network. Nakamura said it was too early to consider taking the technology overseas to Europe and the United States, but admitted that bitWallet decided on the name "Edy," which stands for euro, dollar and yen, with global ambitions in mind. In other parts of Asia, Hong Kong residents use "Octopus" smart cards to access trains, buses, and ferries or pay for merchandise or parking. Singapore also has a similar system. In Japan, expectations are high that FeliCa will change the way consumers and businesses function on a daily basis. Videogame maker Sega Corp. tested a service in which customers at its entertainment centers can use FeliCa-compatible mobile phones to play games. Credit card company JCB gave employees mobile phones that could be used as company identification cards and for purchases atvending machinesand in the company cafeteria. While some consumers express concerns about carrying phones that contain electronic money and personal information or having their purchases monitored, J.P. Morgan's Katsuma said it was no different than carrying a wallet or credit card. "Everybody doesn't need to carry them," said Katsuma. "Only people, who are into that sort of thing or are high-end users, should use them. It's like an airline mileage membership." (Agencies)
| 翻开任何人的皮包或衣袋看看,里面都可能至少有一部手机和一个鼓鼓的钱包,钱包里装满了纸币、硬币、收据、信用卡、身份证、火车或汽车通票,还有许多会员卡。 在日本,这一切可能很快就会成为过去,因为日本移动通信产业正打算用一块同样能够存储钱和个人信息的内置小芯片把二者(手机和钱包)结合起来。 7月18日,日本最大的移动通信运营商NTT移动通信网公司率先推出了内置索尼FeliCa智能芯片的“钱包手机”,能够在通过扫描器时被迅速读取。 “当我给手机升级时,FeliCa卡将成为一项基本需求。如果我的手机能包罗万事,那将非常方便。”31岁的藤森彦(Norihiko Fujimori)说,他在东京Internet Startup日本分公司工作。 “钱包手机”的概念才刚刚兴起,但智能卡技术在亚洲已经不算新鲜了。 经常乘车往返的乘客使用内置FeliCa智能卡的Suica火车通票已经快三年了。遍布日本全国的9000家便利店、饭店和零售摊点都接受可充值的Edy预付借记卡。 Edy网络运营商bitWallet公司经理中村隆(Takashi Nakamura)说:“Edy最大的优点在于它脱离了硬币,使交易速度更快。”
中村认为,在欧洲和美国等海外国家推广这项技术还为时尚早,但他承认bitWallet公司确定的Edy这个名字代表着欧元,美元和日元,显示了其在全球范围内发展的雄心。 在亚洲其他地区,香港居民使用Octopus智能卡来乘坐火车、汽车、轮船,购物或缴停车费。新加坡也有类似的系统。 在日本,人们对于FeliCa卡的期望值很高,希望它能改变消费者和企业的日常运作模式。 视频游戏制造商Sega公司试验了一种服务,该服务让娱乐中心的用户可以用兼容FeliCa卡的手机玩游戏。 日本国际信用卡公司JCB发给员工一种手机,既能用作公司身份卡,也能在售货机上和公司自助餐厅里购物。 一些消费者担心包含电子货币和个人信息的手机的携带问题,以及消费情况可能会受到监视。但摩根大通的胜马(Katsuma)说,这和拿着钱夹或信用卡没什么不同。 胜马说:“不是每个人都需要带着它们。只有需要这类业务的人们或高端用户应该使用它们。它就像航空公司里程积累制的会员身份一样。” pass: 通行证,入场券 operator: 经营者,行家 FeliCa:索尼公司推出的一种非接触式智能卡。如其名所示,FeliCa的含义是由felicity(灵巧)和card(卡)组合而成,FeliCa带给人们的是更为方便舒适的生活方式。 smart chip: 智能芯片 get off the ground: 开始发行,飞起 rechargale debit card: 可充值的借记卡 vending machine: 自动售货机 (中国日报网站译) |