Spain's San Fermin bull-runningfiestaattractsall manner ofthrill-seekers.
"I've never been seriously injured. I lost mykidneyone year," said Bomber, a 56-year-old Californian, after one early morning run. Fellow American R.J. Smith of Spokane, Washington, ran with the bulls in Pamplona for the 31st time this year, despite a long white scar from a bull's goring on hisbuttockand a false hip beneath it which bear witness to his bull-running addiction. Some come to San Fermin for the fiesta and never see a bull, some come to see their friends and others to follow writer Ernest Hemingway's footsteps. But for many the bull-running fiesta, which takes places from July 6 to 14, has become ameccafor adrenaline junkies from all over the world. Smith, a 67-year-old former air force pilot who still hang-glides on skis, says bull-running isobsessive. "It draws you. Once you do it you want to do it again and again and again." That seemed to be the case for hisgodsonwho came to Pamplona for the second time this year, despite swearing after his first experience he never would. "I got out and I said I'm never doing this ever again. It scared me so damn bad," Daniel Voltz told reporters the night before the first of this year's runs. He ran the following morning along the slippery cobbled streets and survived unscathed. That day, in an unusually clean run, only five people were taken to hospital. Bomber says he has missed only one fiesta in the last 33 years. "It's very very difficult, your adrenaline ... and your imagination (are) running and it's very hard not to run." Extreme sportaficionadossay there's nothing quite like a 1,300-pound beast pointing his deadly horns at you with no one there to bail you out. "I've done bungee jumping, parachuting, parascending, diving ... always finding the next stupid thing to do ... This is the best so far. I'm not sure what follows," said Mark Kinder, a 31-year-old information technology manager from England. "I'm a little bit of an adrenaline junkie." (Agencies)
| 西班牙的圣·费尔明奔牛节吸引了形形色色寻求惊险刺激的人们。 56岁的加利福尼亚州人伯默尔在一次晨跑后说:“我从来没受过重伤,有一年我失去了一个肾。” 今年,来自华盛顿州斯波肯镇的美国人R·J·史密斯第31次来到潘普洛纳和公牛们一起奔跑。尽管他臀部有着一条被牛角顶伤后留下的长长的白色伤疤,伤疤下面是人工假臀,这些足以证明他的奔牛嗜好。 有些到圣·费尔明来参加奔牛节的人从不看公牛,有的人是来看朋友的,还有一些人到此寻访作家欧内斯特·海明威的足迹。但对多数人来说,7月6日到14日的奔牛节已经成为全世界酷爱惊险刺激的人们向往的圣地。 67岁的前空军飞行员史密斯至今仍然参与雪橇滑雪,他说奔牛活动让人不能自拔。 “它吸引着你。一旦你参加了一次,你就会想要一次又一次地参加。”他的教子似乎正是如此:今年,他第二次来到潘普洛纳,尽管首次参加奔牛活动后,他曾经发誓永远也不来了。 “我离开时说过,我以后无论如何都不会这样干了,我真是被吓得够呛。”丹尼尔·沃兹在今年首场奔牛活动前夜告诉记者。次日清晨,他沿着滑溜溜的圆石街道奔跑,所幸没有受伤。 那天的奔牛活动秩序异常得好,只有五人被送进了医院。 伯默尔说,过去33年里他只错过了一次奔牛节。 “确实非常困难,你的兴奋……还有你的想象力在流动、在奔跑,不去跑实在太难了。” 极限运动狂热爱好者说,没有什么能像这样了——一头1300磅的巨兽将致命的双角刺向你,而没有人能保护你。 31岁的IT经理、英国人马克·金德说:“我玩过蹦极、跳伞、空中速降和跳水等等,我总能发现下一件要做的傻事……这是迄今为止最棒的一件。我不确定接下来的会是什么。” “我算是一个刺激爱好者。” adrenaline: 刺激,兴奋 fiesta: 节日 all manner of: 形形色色的 kidney: 肾 buttock: 臀部 mecca: 众人渴望去的地方 obsessive: 强迫性的,分神的 godson: 教子 aficionado: 狂热爱好者