It is theholy grailof politicians everywhere - how to win and keep the trust of voters.
Now researchers at the University of St Andrew's in Scotland say they may have the answer. They believe politicians could learn a lot from recent advances in science. A growing number of studies have shown that people do judge a book by its cover. Researchers say most of us make instant judgements about a person on the basis of how they look. They sayfacial featurescan determine whether we like or trust someone. It may even influence how we vote. "Over the years, we have found that facial features affect the way many of us perceive others," says Elisabeth Cornwell, a psychology researcher at the university's Perception Laboratory. Studies suggest that people are less likely to trust those with particularly masculine features, such as a square jaw, small eyes or big nose. "They are perceived as dominant and less trustworthy," says Ms Cornwell. "It doesn't mean that men who look more masculine are less trustworthy - it's just our first impressions." Those with less masculine features - larger eyes, a smaller nose and thinner lips - are deemed to be more trustworthy. "We are very good at processing these features quickly," says Ms Cornwell. The researchers are putting their science to the test at the Royal Society's annual summer exhibition in London. They have subtly manipulated the faces of Prime Minister Tony Blair, Conservative leader Michael Howard and Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedyaccentuatingtheir dominant and trustworthy features respectively. "We have used a computer programme to change the shape of their face and features. "We hope it will help people to understand our work." So should we expect to see Tony Blair, Michael Howard and Charles Kennedy at the exhibition getting tips? "I don't think it's something they will want to try," says Ms Cornwell. "It's not really possible with television. We all know what they look like. I think they would be naive to try it." (Agencies)
| 如何才能赢得并保持选民对自己的信任——世界各地政治家们梦寐以求却永远无法解决的问题。 现在苏格兰圣安德鲁大学的研究者们声称他们可能掌握了其中的秘诀。 他们相信政治家们可以从最近的科学研究成果中学到很多东西。 越来越多的研究表明人们根据封面来判断一本书的好坏。 研究者们说大部分人对一个人第一眼的评价主要取决于他的相貌。 他们说面部特征可以决定人们是否喜欢或信任一个人,这甚至可以影响人们的投票。 苏格兰圣安德鲁大学感觉实验室的心理学研究员伊丽莎白·康威尔说:“这些年,我们发现很多人对他人的认识方式都会受到此人面部特征的影响。” 研究表明人们不太容易相信有突出男性特征的人,比如方下巴,小眼睛,大鼻子。 康威尔小姐说:“人们认为有这种特征的人有权有势,不太值得信任。” “这并不意味着看起来阳刚的男士不可信赖——这只是人们的第一印象。” 人们认为更值得信赖的是那些男性特征不太突出的人——大眼睛,小鼻子,薄嘴唇。 康威尔小姐说:“人们可以很熟练的迅速处理这些特征。” 研究者们在伦敦英国皇家学会年度夏季展览会上展示了他们的成果,并接受检验。 他们巧妙的利用知名人物的脸来进行试验,包括首相托尼·布莱尔,保守党领袖迈克尔·霍华德和自由民主党领袖查尔斯·肯尼迪,分别着重指出了他们三人脸部特征中表示有权势或可信赖的特征。 “我们使用电脑程序改变他们的脸型和五官特征。” “我们希望这有助于人们理解我们的成果。” 那么,我们是否可以期待在展览会上看到改头换面后的托尼·布莱尔,迈克尔·霍华德和查尔斯·肯尼迪赢得选民的青睐呢? 康威尔小姐说:“我想他们不会用这三个人的脸做实验。” “在电视上不会成功的。我们都知道他们三个人长什么样子,我认为他们做这种试验实在是太幼稚了。” holy grail:(传说耶稣死前在最后的晚餐用过,后又承接过他的血的)圣杯(系亚瑟王的骑士追求之物),在这里用了它的引申义,意思是梦寐以求但永远实现不了的目标。 facial features:面部特征 accentuating:着重