A mixed state secondary school has banned skirts because its girls have been wearing them too short.
The new uniform regulations at Keswick High School, near Ipswich, require girls to wear trousers to school to stop themturning upfor lessons in miniskirts. The decision was made after consultations with parents, pupils and teachers. The new rules willcome into effectin September. Margaret Young, the chairman of the school governors, said: "Two years ago we sent out a letter to parents asking them to make sure skirts were regulation length, which is just above the knee. The impact was short lived and it wasn't long before skirts were very short again." George Thomas, the school's head teacher, said the ban was necessary because some girls' skirts were impractical as well as immodest. Mrs Young, whose three grandchildren go to the school, said that the school was simply trying to enforce a uniform code. She said: "Parents might see their daughter go to school in one skirt but they change to another, shorter one, at school or they roll up the top to make them look shorter. Some are practically pelmets. "Teachers waste a lot of timetalking topupils about uniform." Most parents have welcomed the uniform change. "Some have said they were concerned about the safety of their children walking home," said Mrs Young. The father of a 15-year-old girl at the school said: "It is an extreme measure but I can see their point. Yet surely they could enforce a regulation skirt rather than ban them." The Equal Opportunities Commission said that this was the first case they had heard of in which a school had banned skirts. A spokesman said: "There have been many cases of girls wanting to wear trousers at school but notthe other way round. "From a legal point of view the issue is whether the uniform is more restrictive for girls than boys." (Agencies) | 英国一所男女生混合的国立中学禁止女生穿裙子上学,原因是女生穿的裙子太短。 位于易普威治古城附近的凯塞克中学最新出台的学生制服条例规定:女生必须穿裤子而不能穿超短裙来上课。 该决定是在和学生家长、学生本人及该校教师协商后做出的。新的规定将于今年9月开始执行。 校方董事会主席玛格丽特·扬说:“两年前我们给家长们发了一封信,要求他们知道女生穿的裙子务必符合校方的规定,也就是说裙子长度只能略高于膝盖,但这封信管不了几天,很快,女生穿的裙子又变得很短。” 乔治·托马斯校长说:“禁止女生穿裙子上学很有必要,因为有的女生穿的裙子太离谱,而且很不庄重。” 杨夫人的三个孙子都在上学,她说学校这样做仅仅是为了强制学生穿统一的制服。 她说:“家长们看到他们的千金穿着一条裙子去上学,可她们到了学校就把它换成另一条更短的裙子了,或者把裙子的下摆卷起来,让它们看上去短一些。有些学生穿的裙子几乎窗帘盒一样短。 “老师在教育学生穿制服的问题上浪费了大量的时间。” 大多数家长对学生制服的改变表示欢迎。杨女士说:“有些家长说过他们关心自己的孩子放学回家路上的安全问题。” 一位15岁在校女生的父亲说:“这项措施有点极端,但我能够理解学校这样做的目的。然而,学校完全可以实施一项关于女生穿裙子的规定,而不是禁止女生穿裙子。 平等机会委员会说这是他们首次听说学校禁止女生穿裙子。” 一位发言人说:“曾经有过很多女生想在学校穿裤子的事例,这相反的情况还是头一次。 “从法律的角度来看,问题的关键是,女生的学生制服是否应该比男生的受到更多约束。” turn up:出现 come into effect:开始生效 talk to:责备 the other way round:相反 (中国日报网站译)