Bill Clinton's worst day in office came when he admitted to his wife the affair with a White House intern that would threaten his marriage and his presidency, the US former president said in a television interview promoting his memoirs.
His confession to Hillary Clinton came two days before Clinton was to testify before a grand jury in August 1998 in an investigation that would lead to his impeachment, he said in an hour-long interview on CBS' "60 Minutes". "I had a sleepless night and woke her up and sat down on the side of the bed and just told her. And it was awful," Clinton said. The interview was the first to air on television to promote the book "My Life." "She looked at me as if I had punched her in the gut," Clinton wrote. The renewed focus on the White House sex scandal may be starting to test Clinton's patience. London's Sunday Telegraph reported that Clinton lost his temper when repeatedly asked about his affair during a BBC program to air on Tuesday. The Telegraph quoted an unnamed BBC executive who saw the interview as saying Clinton "is visibly angry." Clinton has kicked off afull-throttlepublicity campaign to sell his 957-page memoir, which goes on sale on Tuesday. The launch includeshigh-profileinterviews, alavishbook party for a thousand guests in Manhattan on Monday and nonstop book signings and television appearances throughout the week. While publisher Alfred A. Knopf has received more orders than the 1.5 million copies of the book's first printing, early reviews were tough on the former president's effort. In a front-page review, The New York Times called it "sloppy, self-indulgent and ofteneye-crossinglydull -- the sound of one manprattling away." "In many ways, the book is a mirror of Mr. Clinton's presidency: lack of discipline leading to squandered opportunities; high expectations, undermined by self-indulgence and scattered concentration," the Times wrote. (Agencies)
| 美国前总统比尔·克林顿在为他的回忆录造势的电视访谈中说,他在白宫最糟糕的日子是向妻子承认他和一名白宫实习生的风流韵事那天。此事威胁到他的婚姻和总统宝座。 克林顿接受了美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)“60分钟”节目的采访,在长达一个小时的节目中,他说,1998年8月,他向妻子希拉里·克林顿承认了自己的风流韵事,此后两天,他就在大陪审团面前为弹劾他的调查作证。 克林顿说:“那是一个不眠之夜,我叫醒她,坐在床边向她坦白,感觉太糟糕了”。此次采访是克林顿第一次通过电视向公众宣传他的新书《我的生活》。 克林顿写道:“她看着我,仿佛已经肝肠寸断。” 对白宫性丑闻的再次关注开始考验克林顿的耐性。 伦敦《星期日电讯报》的报道称,在星期二播出的BBC的节目中,当克林顿被反复问起他的丑闻时,他开始“发脾气”。 《星期日电讯报》援引一位未透露姓名的看过采访的BBC主管的话说,克林顿显然很生气。 克林顿已经启动了全面的宣传推广活动,他957页的回忆录即将在周二上架。 推广活动包括倍受瞩目的访谈,周一在曼哈顿为一千名贵宾举行的豪华新书会,以及整周马不停蹄的新书签售和电视采访。 出版商艾尔弗雷德·A·诺普夫接到的订单已经超过首次印刷的150万册,而早期评论对这位前总统的努力却是苛刻的。 《纽约时报》的头版评论称此书“粗制滥造,自我放纵,无聊得让人昏昏欲睡——简直是一个男人在胡言乱语”。 《泰晤士报》报道说:“这本书在很多地方都反映出克林顿的总统生涯:缺乏纪律以致于白白浪费机会;期望值很高,而由于自我放纵和三心二意却无法实现。” full-throttle:全面的 (at full throttle:全速地,开足马力) high-profile:倍受关注的 lavish:豪华的 eye-crossingly dull:无聊得睁不开眼(cross one's eyes:半闭着眼睛) prattle away:胡言乱语 (中国日报网站译)