It might be copied worldwide but there is only one true Neapolitan pizza.
Italy has drawn up a series of rules that must be met for a Neapolitan pizza to be worthy of the name. The regulations are designed to protect and promote the original, traditional Neapolitan pizza. The proposed new law includes a step-by-step guide to the perfect pizza. It covers pizza shape, depth, toppings and even the way olive oil must be poured on top. "Pizza-making is an art, you need passion to make pizza," Alfredo Folliero, of the European Union Traditional Pizza Association said. "It's all in the dough and the rolling technique which has developed over hundreds of years," he added. The dough must bekneaded, shaped andcoaxedinto a perfectly round disc by hand. "Rolling pinsor other mechanical instruments are not permitted," the rules admonish. Drawn up by the Agriculture Ministry and professional Neapolitan pizza-makers, the guidelines were printed in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, a publication normally reserved for financial and legal notices. The eightarticlesand sixsub-clauseswill form the bible for pizza-makers in Naples - where Italy claims the pizza was born more than 300 years ago - and beyond. A true Neapolitan pizza must be cooked in a wood-fired oven and the final product must be soft, elastic and easy to fold in two, the guidelines say. If the law is approved, pizzas thatmake the gradewill be allowed to sport a prestigiousSTGlabel. (Agencies)
| 虽然世界各地都可以制作那不勒斯匹萨,但是正宗的只有一种。 意大利起草了一系列规定,只有符合这些规定的匹萨饼才有资格用那不勒斯匹萨这个名字。 设立这些规定是为了保护和推销原汁原味的、传统的那不勒斯匹萨饼。 被提议的新法律包括如何一步一步制作完美的那不勒斯匹萨。 它涉及到匹萨的形状、厚度、匹萨表面上的配料、甚至包括橄榄油倒在匹萨表面的方法。 “匹萨饼的制作是一种艺术,你要带着感情来做匹萨,”欧盟传统匹萨协会的阿尔弗雷多·福列罗说。 “精华都在生面团和翻转的技巧中,这些都经过了几百年的发展,”他补充说。 生面团必须经过揉捏,成形,然后用手把它轻轻的放在一个很圆的碟子里。 新规定指出:“不允许使用擀面棍或其他机械工具。” 这个指导方针由意大利农业部和职业的那不勒斯匹萨饼师共同起草,刊登在《政府公报》上,《政府公报》通常只刊登金融和法律通告。 八项章程和六个附属条款将组成一部那不勒斯乃至世界各地匹萨饼师的圣经,意大利声称那不勒斯为300多年前匹萨饼的发源地。 根据这个指导方针,一块真正的那不勒斯匹萨饼必须用木炭烤箱烘烤,制成品必须松软,有弹性,而且很容易折成两半。 如果该法律通过的话,达到标准的匹萨将被允许挂上一个享有盛名的纯银标志。 knead: 揉,捏 coax: 耐心地处理,轻轻地弄好 rolling pin: 擀面棍 article: (法律)条款 sub-clause: 附属条款 make the grade: 达到标准 STG: (sterling的缩写形式)纯银制的 (中国日报网站译)