划船的时候,故意把船摇晃,可能会引起很严重的后果。Rock the boat从字面上来看,意思就是“把船摇晃”,rock在这里不是指石头,而是作动词用,解释为“摇晃”,例如:The earthquake rocked the buildings violently. (地震使建筑物摇晃得很厉害。)
船只摇晃得很厉害,甚至有倾覆的危险,所以,rock the boat这个成语往往引申为“兴风作浪、使事情不能顺利进行、破坏良好的现状、捣乱”的意思,带有贬义。
We've been doing it this way for years; don't rock the boat by trying to introduce new methods.
The other boys said that Henry was rocking the boat by wanting to let girls into their club.
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