这个词组的意思是:处于不利的地位,处于困境中 (in a difficult position),源自一个叫做凯利的弹子游戏(Kelly pool)。其中有一种打法是这样的:全部的弹子必须按一定的顺序击落弹袋,只有一颗黑色的弹子除外,这颗黑色弹子的分值是八分。如果另一个弹子碰到了黑弹子,击弹子的一方就要被罚。因而,如果八分的黑色弹子恰好处在要打的弹子前面,那击弹子的一方势必处于危险的位置。所以,behind the eight ball就被解释为“处境危险,无可救药”了。例如:
----We're going to miss our connecting flight because of this storm.
----Looks like we're caught behind the eight ball. Nothing we can do.
I want to be honest with the boss, but if I tell him the truth, he may fire me. I feel like I'm behind the eight ball on this one.
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