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US official urges North Korea to return to talks without conditions
Updated: 2006-01-05 14:20

The top U.S. envoy in Seoul urged North Korea on Wednesday to stop attaching conditions to resuming talks on its nuclear program, a day after the communist state renewed its demand that Washington lift sanctions against it.

"The United States is ready to return to the table without attaching any new conditions and we expect North Korea to do the same," Ambassador Alexander Vershbow said at a forum in Seoul, according to the text of his speech provided by the U.S. Embassy.

International talks to get North Korea to dismantle its nuclear program have been in recess since November, but the prospect of their resumption has become increasingly unclear as the country disputes U.S. sanctions against its alleged currency counterfeiting and other illicit activities.

On Tuesday, the North said it's "impossible" for it to return to the negotiating table as long as Washington keeps the sanctions.

"The U.S. sanctions are obviously the fundamental element that disrupts the six-party talks," said the Rodong Sinmun, the North's ruling Workers Party newspaper, referring to the nuclear talks that involve the two Koreas, the U.S., China, Japan and Russia.

Vershbow urged North Korea to honor its commitment to disarm, saying it will be in violation of international agreements.

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