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President Hu: China supports eventual Korean unification
Updated: 2005-11-18 00:51

Chinese President Hu Jintao pledged his support for eventual reunification of the two Koreas in a speech to South Korea's parliament on Thursday and said China's relations with the South were "entering their best period ever."

In an upbeat speech on his second day of a state visit, Hu said the two countries -- former enemies who established relations just in 1992 -- should cooperate to foster stability in northeast Asia.

"As always, China supports North-South Korean dialogue to improve ties and build trust between the two sides, leading to eventual independent reunification," he told the National Assembly, drawing strong applause from lawmakers.

"Bilateral relations are now entering their best period ever," he said.

Hu also said China would continue to work ceaselessly to solve the problem of nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula, pointedly not identifying the North as the source of a three-year-old impasse over its nuclear ambitions.

"Solving the nuclear issue on the peninsula peacefully through dialogue is the most realistic and proper approach and China will continue to make unstinting efforts in this regard," Hu said.

Hu's state visit to South Korea -- the first by a Chinese president since 1995 -- underlined the improvement in relations between the two countries, which were enemies after China fought on the side of the North in the 1950-53 Korean War.

China became South Korea's largest trading partner last year, with two-way trade totaling $79.35 billion, up 39.2 percent from the year before, according to South Korean government figures. Hu described South Korea as China's third biggest commerce partner.

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