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Abbas invites Hamas to join cabinet
Updated: 2005-07-02 17:10

RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has invited members of the Hamas militant group to join his Cabinet and help ensure a peaceful handover of the Gaza Strip after Israel withdraws this summer, Abbas' office confirmed Saturday.

Abbas invites Hamas to join cabinet
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, also known Abu-Mazen, left, receives Jordan's King Abdullah II, left, before the Fatah central committee meeting, in Amman, Jordan on Thursday, June 30, 2005. The meeting of the 15-member Fatah Central Committee Thursday is the first since Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat died in November. [AP]
A Hamas official, speaking on condition of anonymity, had first reported the offer on Friday. On Saturday, Hamas' West Bank leader, Hassan Yousef, confirmed the group was considering the offer.

Abbas extended the offer Wednesday after Hamas demanded a special committee be formed to oversee the transfer of powers in Gaza. Abbas invited them to join his Cabinet instead.

Israel is worried that Abbas' government isn't strong enough to prevent chaos in Gaza after Israel completes the pullout in September.

Abbas has promised a smooth transfer of powers and a clampdown on militants who would fire on withdrawing Israeli soldiers and settlers.

But a fragile truce Abbas reached with Hamas and other militant groups at the beginning of the year has been unraveling as the pullout approaches.

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