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China condemns assassination of Yassin
Updated: 2004-03-23 17:17

China opposes and condemns the assassination of the Palestinian Hamas spiritual leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin by Israel, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said in Beijing on Tuesday.

Kong told a regular press conference that China advocates resolving the dispute through dialogue and negotiation, stressing such stance on the Mideast issue is "consistent."

The international community made a strong response after Yassin's assassination. It was the second time that Kong commented on the incident.

"We think that the 'target assassination' adopted by Israel is unhelpful to resolving the problem," Kong said.

He urged all sides to keep restraint and avoid acts that may lead to further escalation of the already tense situation.

It was reported that Israeli Apache helicopters fired three missiles at Yassin and his two bodyguards at daybreak Monday as they left a mosque near his house, killing them instantly.

Yassin, who founded Hamas in 1987, was held in Israeli prisons for several years before being released in 1994. Enditem

China "greatly worried" about impact of Yassin's death

China is greatly worried about the possible impact on the Middle East regional situation brought by the death of the Palestinian Hamas spiritual leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Beijing on Monday.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan made the remark when asked to comment on Yassin's death in an Israeli air-raid.

"China is closely following the development of the event," Kong said, adding that it has noticed the event and is greatly worried about the possible impact.

It has been reported that Israeli Apache helicopters fired three missiles at Yassin and his two bodyguards at daybreak as they left a mosque near his house Monday, killing them instantly. Four people were killed and 12 wounded in the attack, reports said.

Yassin, who founded Hamas in 1987, was held in Israeli prisons for several years before being released in 1994.

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