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Chinese, Russian presidents to hold summit
Updated: 2004-03-06 15:47

Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing announced in Beijing Saturday Chinese and Russian presidents will hold asummit in Beijing in the latter half of this year.

Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Premier Wen Jiabao will also pay official visits to Russia this year, Li told a press conference on the sidelines of the annual session of the national legislature.

Chinese, Russian presidents to hold summit
Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing answers questions at a press conference in Beijing, March 6, 2004. [Xinhua]

China's Premier Wen Jiabao has sent a message to congratulate Mikhail Fradkov on his nomination as Russia's new prime minister.

During a meeting of the two presidents, the year 2004 was made the Year of Friendship between Young Peoples of Two Countries, Li said, adding that it will breathe new vitality into Sino-Russian relations.

The minister said it is a correct choice for the two nations todevelop good relations from generation to generation and never become enemies to each other. He spoke highly of China's strategicpartnership of cooperation with Russia.

China and Russia are the largest neighbors in the world and share a 4,300 kilometer-long border. Over the past few years, the two countries have signed a series of agreements to strengthen thefriendly relations.

** 'On illegal border crossers'

In response to a question raised by a correspondent from the Republic of Korea Li refuted reports of the existence of refugees from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in China, saying these people are "illegal border crossers."

Li said, "These people you refer to are not refugees, but illegal border crossers."

China and the DPRK share a common border of some 1,300 km, and it is nothing strange to see some illegal border crossing between the two countries, said the minister.

The Chinese government can handle the issue well in accordance with domestic laws, international laws and the humanitarian principles, he added.

The minister said that China's method for handling the DPRK illegal border crossers has been highly praised by the international community.

He went on to accuse some few people of attempting to "politicize the issue" by confusing the concepts of "refugees" and "illegal border crossers" and even inciting those people to create political incidents such as forcing their way into foreign diplomatic institutions.

Asked about the China-ROK relations, Li said that specific matters concerning a proposed visit to the ROK by Chinese President Hu Jintao were under discussion between the two sides through diplomatic channels.

However, he disclosed next week he will extend an invitation to his ROK counterpart Yoon Young-kwan to visit China.

He went on to say that economic, trade and cultural links between China and the ROK are developing rapidly these years, while the two countries are carrying out good cooperation.

** Confidence expressed in diplomacy

Commenting on Premier Wen Jiabao's confidence expressed in his government work report in China's diplomacy, the foreign minister said Wen's confidence is well grounded.

"We have won more understanding, trust, respect and support from the international community, and we enjoy higher status and greater influence in the international arena than ever before," Li quoted Wen as reporting to the lawmakers Friday.

Li said the China's diplomatic work is for all Chinese people and wins the support of the whole people.

With China's peaceful development, the Chinese people have become increasingly rich, which represents the greatest contribution to human progress, Li said.

Being engaged in diplomatic work is to provide services, Li said, adding that the services are targeted first at the China's lofty goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way and striving to create a good international and regional environment for China's economic construction.

"Another purpose is to make friends. The more the better," Li said.

Last year, China received 18 heads of state, 22 heads of government and 31 foreign ministers, and top Chinese leaders including President Hu Jintao and Premiere Wen Jiabao visited 22 nations, covering with a total of distance of 166,000 kilometers, Li said.

China's friendship with neighboring countries was brought into a new height and China's relations with big countries and developing countries was further expanded in the past year.

He said China has joined 135 international inter-governmental agencies and Chinese diplomats have been active in the international affairs, including the Iraq issue and the Korean nuclear issue.

** On Hong Kong Issue

Asked on Hong Kong issue, Li said:"Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong. Chinese people has the resolve, capability and wisdom to maintain the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong."

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