Opinion>Forum Columnists>Yapchongyee

Chen Sui Bian has crossed the red line
 Updated: 2003-12-24 05:24

Chen Sui Bian has crossed the line and the restraint that the Americans have put on him means nothing; because the Americans are standing behind him. I believe the notorious meeting between Collin Powell and Chen Sui Bian. clandestinely in Hawii was "word in the ear of Chen Sui Bian" that if he carried out his referendum gambit America will support him. It is for this reason that Chen Sui Bian is so daring to stay his position.

I believe the encouragement in the manner put forward by me is a deliberate ploy by the Bush camp to boost their chances for re-election. The Bush re-election team believe that the PLA is not willing to go to war on the referendum issue, and with this in mind they encourage Ah Bian to rattle the cage of the PLA. The spectre of war with China in a re-election is sound strategy for the Bush camp. I observe that the Bush Administration has in gradual steps been increasing pressures on several issues that will in the heat of the re-election campaign blow out into very heated contest between China and the USA; and one of these ploys is the Taiwan issue.

THIS I PREDICT ! the Bush re-election campaign team will make the confrontation between China and the USA a major issue; just as they did in the election of Bush. AMERICANS ARE SUCH SUCKERS FOR THIS CHINA CARD BANNER ! This confrontation will be played for all that it is worth.

This is an opportunity for China to settle the Taiwan issue once and for all. I vouch that Ah Bian will call the referendum; he can call it whatever he likes. the truth of the matter is that once the referendum is called it will have set a precedent that " PUTS IN CHEN SUI BIAN'S HAND THE TRIGGER FOR A REFERENDUM FOR WHENEVER THAT CHEN SUI BIAN WANTS TO FIRE IT"

The time to call Chen Sui Bian's bluff is now when the USA has got their hands full. The mess that Bush and his mafia has created for themselves makes any US involvement highly unlikely. In any case as I have argued many a time; China does not need to shy away from the USA. We are the defence side and the Americans need to come to us to attack; and no matter how powerful that the Americans think they are they will know that attacking China in the present times is an IMPOSSIBILITY. They can destroy but THEY CANNOT CONQUER; and in the present days' warfare "IF YOU CANNOT CONQUER, YOU HAVE LOST !", because a war of prolonged duration will drain the coffers of even the USA. This is going to be the fate of the USA in Iraq. They cannot conquer and no matter how they hype their position in Iraq, America has lost the war in Iraq and it is just a matter when they will have to concede.

I read at a glance an article that China will have 4 squadrons deployed of our keenly anticipated "J 10" all weather fighters that are comparable to the F16 fighters; and if that is true then the PLA will have on our side an attack air-force that can control the skies over the Straits of Taiwan. This is all that is required. i have always believed that our PLA fleet of obsolete Mig's can also play an effective supporting and spoiling role in the fight against Taiwan and if the Americans interfere then we can also lump the Americans into the bargain.

I wish to outline a likely scenario that can effectively deploy our aged MIGs in combination with our top of the line SU 27 and SU30 fighter and our own J 10 all weather fighter air-crafts as a combined attacking force. China can attack on a three front beach-head landing so that the Taiwan defence forces will be split into three pockets. Our MIGs fighters will fly in formation among the SU 28s and the SU 30s and the J 10 fighters; in the event that Taiwan interceptors confronts our fighters, our MIGs will fly ahead of the SU 28s and SU 30s and the J 10s. The top of the line fighters will fly behind the aged MIGs. These MIGs will intercept the Taiwan fighters first in order to draw the Taiwanese fighters to FIRE FIRST. This strategy means that for the first shots fired by the Taiwanese, the return fire from of our MIGs will threaten and expose the Taiwanese to return fire from our SU 28s and our SU 30s and our own CHINESE DESIGNED J 10 all weather fighters. The return fire from our PLA air=crafts will make it impossible for the Taiwanese to fend the combined attack from our own fighters. This way our aged MIGs can be put to good strategic good use.

Chen Sui Bian has made it impossible for China to integrate with our province of Taiwan peacefully. I believe that Chen Sui Bian wants to establish and Chen Sui Bian dynasty in Taiwan. The Americans has always wanted an independent Taiwan so that in strategic terms they have a base that is very close to China. They have in every US Administration, the objective to keep Taiwan free from the control of China. They will never forego this strategic advantage, no matter how well the US gets along with China. There is a running commonality between Chen Sui Bian and the US Administration no matter which side the US Administration comes from. It is better than when the opportunity presents itself to launch our own campaign to integrate Taiwan. This will mean that we have once and for all times remove the thorn from China’s side.

This is the best time for China to launch the attack. The Americans are already cognisant of our intentions and the warnings to both the US and to Chen Sui Bian. We now have the means to attack. It is always said that China does not have “LANDING CRAFTS?in sufficient numbers to do the job. The Straits of Taiwan is not too rough; and drawing from the example of the “British withdrawal from DUNKIRK?we Chinese can improvise by using small sampans from our thousands of tiny fishing sampans. This is possible only if we have mastery of the skies. I believe that those critics who says that China does not have sufficient landing crafts are wrong. We do not need the sort of PURPOSE BUILT LANDING CRAFTS THAT THE AMERICANS REQUIRE. Americans are not a very innovative people. They need to have the best before they have the guts to fight. We Chinese on the other hand are more innovative. We can turn the humble sampan into a “landing craft? The Taiwanese are also of the thinking as the Americans. They like the Americans still believe that China does not have sufficient landing crafts to do the job and they will be very mistaken.

On all counts China has the capacity and the means to attack and the time is also just right to attack; this combination of all the right pieces is in favour of China attacking NOW ! To my Chinese brothers I wish the very best of luck and god speed in our endeavour, may the gods favour the PLA.

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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