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  • So what about Russia and Vietnam?
    The Sino-Vietnam War was in 1979.

  • On Chinese chauvinism and need to keep open door policy
    Chinese culture is secular and tolerant. At her peak in the Tang dynasty (618-907), China absorbed foreign culture at an accelerated rate, this phenomenon being influenced by as many as more than 10,000 merchants coming from as far as Rome living in the ancient capital of Xian.

  • A misconception about China's increased defence budget
    Among the East Asian states, China has the greatest economic potential. Currently it is the second largest economy (measuring by Purchasing Power Parity) and in fifty years will surpass the US.

  • The US and China are neither friends nor foes
    An American perception of China as intransigent and belligerent needs some scrutiny. China is inflexible when it is asked to abide by rules it has no part in writing.

  • America is in no danger of attack from China
    It makes me wonder why would China perceive the US as the eventual enemy, as claimed by many American hawks? America is separated from China by the Pacific Ocean and is in no danger of attacks from a China that places the military least of its four modernizations.
