Opinion>Readers Voice

Democratic, too democratic
big bowl tea  Updated: 2003-12-08 11:19

It's a good point to make connections between the two topics: Taiwan and democracy.

I will hear much less chaos if this world can be simplely portrayed by concepts, such as communism, capitalism, authoritarian, democratic. Unfortunately it is not the truth.

A concept can be good and good and also be a shit. Don't be blinded by those concepts. Marx said the villainous capitalism will be destroyed but no, those systems survived and develop pretty well. Cold war observers were ready to see communist countries will follow Soviet Union's step but no, China is rising and fueling the global growth.

As gunbattles and ambushes take place beside your residence in Iraq, you think you are enjoying a gift from democracy? Why human rights statuses are always "worse" in China than in anyother places according to those "independent" newspapers? Because you think communist countries are just like that.

What the US is doing is far from the concept of democracy, just like what China is doing is far from the concept of communism.

Use your own eyes to see the world, friends.

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