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OCA gives MAIGOC vote of confidence
Updated: 2005-09-27 15:24

The Macau 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee (MAIGOC) participated in the 24th general assembly of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) in Guangzhou, where the chairman of the board of directors, Manuel Silvério, presented a progress report on the preparations for the 2nd Asian Indoor Games in 2007. His presentation updated delegates on the venues, human resources and sports events.

OCA gives MAIGOC vote of confidence
Manuel Silvério in the General Assembly

The president of the OCA, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, having visited Macau earlier in the week, expressed his full confidence in MAIGOC's ability to stage a successful multi-sports event.

Mr Silvério said that the experience gained through hosting the 4th East Asian Games should guarantee the smooth running of the 2nd Asian Indoor Games in terms of the competitions, hospitality, marketing, doping control, medical services, security, cultural programmes, protocol and other important areas. In addition to the venues available for the 4th East Asian Games, MAIGOC is also planning to use a new sports pavilion at the Macau University of Science and Technology, which should be inaugurated in 2007. This will provide even more modern facilities for the athletes.

On the human resources front, MAIGOC will be able to utilise the experience and the knowledge of the personnel involved in the running of the 4th East Asian Games, ensuring a successful 2nd Asian Indoor Games.

Explaining Macau as a growing tourist hub in the region, Mr Silvério pointed out that Macau has a total of 10,456 hotel rooms available, and, before the 2nd Asian Indoor Games comes to town, a further 13 four or five-star hotels will be opened, adding at least 6,700 deluxe-category hotel rooms to the present supply.

"Therefore, we believe the hotel supply of Macau will be able to meet the needs of the Asian Indoor Games," Mr Silvério said.

Mr Silvério also updated the meeting on the progress of the sports programme for the 2nd Asian Indoor Games. Although some of the federation didn't provide suggestion for MAIGOC, after consulting with the other relevant sports federations, the tentative plan is to hold 11 sports featuring 136 events in an eight-day programme which include 4 for Aerobics; 12 events for Dancesport; 6 events for Electronic Sports; A total of 18 events for Extreme Sports; a Men's and a women's event for Futsal; 2 for Hoop Takraw; 28 events for the Indoor Athletics; 5 events for the Indoor Cycling; 1 event for the fast paced Indoor Hockey; 18 for Muay; and 40 events for the 25 meters Short Course Swimming.

But this has not been finalized, and needs further discussions with the OCA sports committee, OCA technical department and the Asian Indoor Games coordination committee as OCA is considering including some of the sports like Bowling, Kickboxing, Chess and Darts from the Asian Games Summer Sports Program to that of Asian Games.

Mr Silvério added that the public still needed educating about the Asian Indoor Games as it was a new concept, and would use the 4th East Asian Games to promote MAIGOC via the television stations, which have the scope to reach almost 90 per cent of the world?|s population.

The OCA executive board also gave their approval to the MAIGOC mascot, Mei Mei, which was then presented to the Asian delegates and Manuel Silvério also pointed out that the trademarks of the logo and mascot of the 2nd Asian Indoor Games have already registered.

During the general assembly, the OCA president described Macau as a beautiful city, and assured the delegates that Macau was ready to stage multi-sports events after his inspection visit earlier in the week. Sheikh Ahmad said he was confident Macau would host a successful Asian Indoor Games in two years time.

Members of the delegation of Macao who also attended the meeting include MOC president Eddie Laam, second vice president, Ma Iao Hang, treasurer Frederico Nolasco da Silva, executive committee members Pau Ma Chong and Antonio Fernandes, the director of international relations and marketing, Isabel da Silva, and MOC accounts committee rapporteur Pedro Chau as director Wallis O Lam and the other members of MAIGOC also attended. All members of MAIGOC and MOC attended the farewell cocktail hosted by OCA and the the dinner hosted by the Chinese Olympic Committee and Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games Organising Committee in White Swan Hotel. The delegation returns to Macau today.

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