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Premier to visit Kyrgyzstan, Russia

Updated: 2004-09-14 15:24

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will visit Kyrgyzstan and Russia, attending the third meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) among Prime Ministers from SCO member states and the ninth regular meeting between Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers from September 21 to 25.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan made the announcement at a regular press conference in Beijing Tuesday.

Kong said during Wen's visit, he will extensively exchange ideas of bilateral relations as well as international and regional issues of common interest with leaders of the two countries. He will also discuss the trade cooperation and SCO's development with other Prime Ministers from SCO member states. He will sign some important documents during his visit.

Kong said Wen's visit will further promote neighboring friendly cooperative relations with Kyrgyzstan and Russia as well as multilateral cooperation within SCO.

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