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Hamas rejects support of al-Zawahri
Updated: 2006-03-06 08:49

Hamas officials shrugged off the support offered by al-Qaida's No. 2 leader, saying Sunday the Palestinian militant group has a different ideology than the terror network and won election through a moderate approach to Islam.

Al-Qaida's deputy leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, is seen in this Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2005 file image made from videotape posted on Internet. In a video broadcast Saturday, March 4, 2006 on Al-Jazeera, al-Zawahri accused the West of insulting Islam's prophet, charging that the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus 'are not sacred anymore.' [AP]

In a video aired Saturday by Al-Jazeera, Ayman al-Zawahri called for jihad, or holy war, to reclaim Palestinian lands and implied al-Qaida's support for Hamas' refusal to recognize Israel despite international pressure since the militant Islamic group swept parliamentary elections in January.

A Hamas official in Gaza, speaking on condition of anonymity because the movement did not want to formally respond to al-Zawahri's support, said: "Hamas believes that Islam is completely different to the ideology of Mr. al-Zawahri."

"Our battle is against the Israeli occupation and our only concern is to restore our rights and serve our people. We have no links with any group or element outside Palestine," the official said.

Hamas is setting up a new Palestinian Cabinet after defeating Fatah, which had ruled Palestinian politics for four decades. Hamas does not accept the presence of a Jewish state in the Mideast and has sent dozens of suicide bombers into Israel. The United States and European Union consider Hamas a terrorist organization.

Al-Zawahri complained in the videotape that the previous Palestinian leaderships "sold Palestine" through peace agreements in Oslo and Madrid and the U.S.-backed road map peace plan. "This is a dangerous deal which should be dropped immediately," he said.
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