Iran resumes enrichment of uranium (AP) Updated: 2006-02-14 18:35
Iran has resumed small-scale enrichment of uranium, a senior Iranian nuclear
negotiator said Tuesday, showing the country was determined to proceed with its
atomic development despite international moves to restrict it.
 The deputy secretary of the Iran's Supreme
National Security Council, Javad Vaeidi, a senior nuclear negotiator,
delivers his speech to students in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2006.
Vaeidi told reporters that enrichment of uranium resumed last week at
Iran's main enrichment plant in Natanz.
[AP] |
The world has long sought to stop Iran from enriching uranium, fearing that
the process would bring it to the threshhold of possessing nuclear bombs.
On Feb. 4, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported Iran to the U.N.
Security Council and simultaneously called on its government to suspend all
enrichment-related activities.
Instead, the Iranian government decided to suspend certain aspects of its
cooperation with the IAEA and steam ahead with enrichment.
The deputy secretary of the Supreme National Council, Javad Vaeidi, told
reporters that enrichment of uranium resumed last week at Iran's main enrichment
plant in Natanz.
Asked if Iran had resumed large-scale enrichment, as required for producing
fuel for nuclear reactors, Vaeidi replied: "No."
"We need time to have 60,000 centrifuges," he said, referring to the devices
used in the enrichment process, which can produce fuel for an atomic bomb.
Diplomats in Vienna, Austria, the site of the U.N. nuclear agency, had said
Monday that Iran had started small-scale enrichment of uranium,
"According to the presidential order (last week), and to the law passed by
the parliament (last year), the order of resumption of uranium enrichment was
issued," Vaeidi told the news conference.
The United States had criticized Iran for restarting enrichment on Monday
when White House press secretary Scott McClellan said: "They're continuing to
choose defiance and confrontation over cooperation and diplomacy."
The same day Iran announced it had postponed indefinitely talks with Moscow
on a plan to enrich Tehran's uranium on Russian territory to allay fears that it
would build an atomic weapon.
Moscow had proposed that Iran ship its uranium to Russia, where it would be
enriched to a level suitable for nuclear reactors, rather than weapons.