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Sharon in critical condition after surgery
Updated: 2006-02-12 14:21

Before dawn Saturday, Sharon's condition deteriorated sharply and his life was in danger, hospital officials said. Doctors decided to operate after consulting with Sharon's sons, Omri and Gilad, Mor-Yosef said.

Experts have concluded that Sharon apparently suffered severe brain damage and is unlikely to regain consciousness. If he does awaken, most say, the chances of his regaining meaningful cognition or activity are slim.

Sharon's stroke had jolted Israel, but the transition period has been surprisingly smooth.

Kadima has held steady in the polls, which predict the party will win at least 40 of the 120 seats in parliament. This means Olmert would form the next government, likely in a coalition with the dovish Labor Party.

In a TV interview earlier this week, his first since taking over, Olmert suggested he would withdraw from large areas of the West Bank if elected, but he did not make clear whether he would act unilaterally. Olmert said Israel will give up the parts of the West Bank where most of the Palestinians live but retain the main Jewish settlement blocs.

The Palestinians claim all of the West Bank as part of a future independent state.

Unilateral action appears increasingly likely in light of the victory of the Islamic militant group Hamas in last month's Palestinian parliamentary elections. Olmert has said Israel will shun a Hamas government unless the group — considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Europe — renounces violence and recognizes Israel.

Hamas has killed hundreds of Israelis in attacks.

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