Sharon's allies, rival jockey for position (AP) Updated: 2006-01-12 22:06
Israel returned to politics Thursday as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon remained
comatose a week after a massive stroke, with his allies jockeying for position
and his main rival ordering his party's ministers to quit the Cabinet.
 Israelis walk by poster, placed on top of
others of ailing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, showing Shimon
Peres, the Labor Party elder statesman and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who
abandoned his party to join Sharon's new party Kadima, in Jerusalem
Wednesday Jan. 11, 2006. Kadima confirmed on Wednesday that Peres will
fill the No. 2 spot on Kadima's list for the upcoming lsraeli legislative
elections scheduled for March 28. The writing under the portrait reads in
Hebrew ' Forward ( Kadima in Hebrew)
The central committee of Sharon's forsaken Likud party was expected to choose
a list of candidates Thursday for March 28 national elections, with polls
showing the party losing more than half its strength from the last vote — when
Sharon was the leader. The same polls show the prime minister's new party,
Kadima, maintaining a huge lead despite — or perhaps helped by — his illness.
Sharon's successor as Likud leader, ex-premier Benjamin Netanyahu, ordered
his party's Cabinet ministers to quit. But Israeli media reported that the four
ministers would ignore the order, plunging the hard-line movement, already
reeling from Sharon's defection, into further disarray. Netanyahu had planned to
withdraw the party from the government, but suspended the order following
Sharon's massive stroke Jan. 4.
Uncertainty over Sharon's condition has clouded Kadima's campaign plans.
Sharon's condition was unchanged Thursday — critical but stable, according to
Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, where he was being treated. A statement said his
heart rhythm was regular and he would undergo a routine CT scan later in the
Sharon's doctors said Wednesday they hoped to completely remove him soon from
the sedatives that have kept him in a coma since the stroke — a process that
could take a day and a half. Doctors said after the sedatives were stopped that
it would be days, perhaps weeks, before a full picture of the damage from the
stroke emerges.
"We're talking about a long, slow and drawn-out process and we hope that it
will always develop positively. It's very hard to say what the pace will be,"
Dr. Yoram Weiss said.
One of Sharon's neurosurgeons, Jose Cohen, said most patients open their eyes
within three weeks after sedation, and the sooner this happens, the better.
However, Sharon was certain to have sustained some cognitive damage, he said.
"There will be changes, but what changes, nobody knows," Cohen told Israel
Sharon's closest ally, Ehud Olmert, has taken over as acting prime minister.
If Sharon is ruled permanently incapacitated, the Cabinet would have to pick a
replacement until the election — probably Olmert.
Since Sharon's stroke, Olmert has worked to project an air of stability,
holding Cabinet meetings and assuring the country that the government was
functioning normally. He spoke with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on
Wednesday and gave him an update on Sharon's condition.
Olmert had previously been seen as an unlikely candidate for prime minister,
but his calm stewardship of the crisis has turned him into the clear
A poll for Channel 10 TV and the Haaretz daily projected that an
Olmert-headed Kadima would win 44 of 120 seats, an outcome that would virtually
assure it would lead the next government. Likud and the dovish Labor Party
trailed with about 15 seats each. Pollsters questioned 640 voters but did not
give a margin of error.
Kadima politicians cautioned against reading too much into the poll, while
experts said the results might reflect sympathy for Sharon's plight and might
not hold.
"We know about the limitations of these polls," Kadima lawmaker Haim Ramon
told Israel TV. "This just says that it depends on what we do. This week we
acted well."
Sharon formed the party late last year, bolting from Likud after many of its
lawmakers tried to torpedo his plan to withdraw from the Gaza Strip.
Though many experienced politicians joined the centrist Kadima, it was
largely seen as a one-man show. Sharon had not yet drawn up the party's election
list — a difficult and often divisive process — when he suffered his stroke.
On Wednesday, some Kadima officials discussed running Sharon symbolically in
the top position on the list, but making Olmert their candidate for prime
minister. "Let's say that (Sharon) has serious physical limitations, but in all
other capacities he functions. There is no one better than him for the first
place," Ramon said.
Tourism Minister Abraham Hirchson, also of Kadima, said the party should wait
to see Sharon's condition before making a decision.
Opposition politicians, however, criticized the idea.
"I don't think that at the moment Sharon should be seen as some kind of
electoral asset to be used by Kadima or anyone else," Likud lawmaker Yuval
Steinitz told Israel TV, dismissing the proposal as "inappropriate."
Other politicians appeared to accept that Olmert would take Sharon's place as
leader of the party. "I'm waiting for Ehud Olmert to come out and say what
exactly the Sharon tradition means to him," Labor lawmaker Yuli Tamir said.
"Then we can have a proper political debate."