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PLA cooks up new menus to beef up soldiers
By Sun Shangwu (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-11-05 06:16

Since 2003, more than 20,000 PLA kitchen staff have passed cooking exams and been given professional chef certificates, the paper said.

Canteens in units with more than 500 servicemen now have electronic ovens, freezers and special machines to make noodles and beancurd (tofu).

Mobile kitchen facilities have also been developed for field operations, allowing officers and soldiers to enjoy nutritious and sanitary meals during camping drills, said the report.

Over the past five years, the PLA's menu has witnessed "remarkable" changes, which have "provided effective support to the increase in combat capabilities of the army," said the report.

Each soldier now has an egg and a glass of milk for breakfast, plus fruit with lunch and supper as well as staples such as rice and steamed buns.

The PLA has a long tradition of feeding soldiers through their own efforts. As well as their soldierly duties, they often grow vegetables or fruit on land around the barracks, and raise poultry and pigs. But in some mountainous or remote areas, having fresh and nutritious food has for a long time been considered a luxury for the army.

Since the outbreak of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2003, the military has been introducing the use of individual plates for each soldier at mealtimes in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

In some areas with better economic conditions, buffets are even available, said the report.

Since the New China was established in 1949, the military has raised food subsidies for servicemen several times, in accordance with the country's economic situation. Since 1978 alone, expenses have increased 23 times, greatly improving food quality and variety.

(China Daily 11/05/2005 page1)

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