Bush looks to bounce back from bad news (AP) Updated: 2005-10-30 14:04
George W. Bush hopes to find the path to recovery from a week of bad news
that staggered his presidency in a nuts-and-bolts focus on governing.
 President Bush speaks to the media before
leaving the White House for Camp David, Friday, Oct 28, 2005 in
Washington. President Bush says he's saddened by the indictment of Lewis
Libby, who resigned today as Vice President Cheney's chief of staff.
[AP] | The week that was: conservatives in the
president's own party hounded him into withdrawing Harriet Miers' Supreme Court
nomination; the U.S. death toll in Iraq surpassed 2,000; and Vice President Dick
Cheney's chief of staff was indicted by a federal grand jury.
The aide, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, is accused of lying about his role in
blowing the CIA cover of an Iraq war critic's wife. The charges grew out of an
investigation that was the product of the fierce debate two years ago over
Bush's contention that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
Cheney and Libby were two of the administration's leading lobbyists for the
U.S.-led invasion, and the indictment could remind Americans increasingly
unhappy with the war that the president's primary justification for it turned
out to be false. A Libby trial could see the famously secretive vice president
called as a witness and asked to answer embarrassing questions.
Though top presidential adviser Karl Rove was spared for now, the future of
one of Bush's most powerful advisers also remained in jeopardy.
Already, Bush was struggling with his lowest-ever approval ratings, dragged
down by high gas prices and a bungled response to Hurricane Katrina along with
the public's growing unrest over Iraq.
Miers' nomination was only the most recent example of Republicans'
willingness to distance themselves from the president. Bush's signature domestic
priority for the year, a Social Security overhaul, was shelved after an
aggressive push by the president yielded little support for action even among
Republicans. Just this month, California's GOP governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
skipped a Bush fundraiser in Los Angeles and Jerry Kilgore, the Republican
gubernatorial candidate in Virginia, stayed away from a presidential speech in
Norfolk on Friday.
Some are calling for bold strokes — a broad new agenda, a purging of the
president's tired and perhaps overly insular and loyal staff — to jolt the White
House past its troubles.
A former White House official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because
the official still provides regular advice, said Bush needs "moves of conscience
and conviction" that evoke the leadership abilities that helped get him
Some Republicans inside and outside the White House were angered by Bush's
handling of Libby's exit. They viewed it as a missed opportunity to restore
badly needed credibility because the president neither condemned the aide's
actions nor acknowledged that White House spokesman Scott McClellan had said
categorically in 2003 that Libby was not involved in the leak.
Bush and his aides considered the political benefits of such statements,
according to a senior administration official, who spoke confidentially so as to
not be seen discussing internal deliberations. But the idea was rejected out of
concern the president's words could influence the legal process. Bush instead
merely called the charges "serious" and urged against a rush to judgment. He and
Cheney both praised Libby for his public service.
Democrats, though, indicated they will not let people forget that Bush
campaigned in 2000 on a promise to "restore honor and dignity" to a White House
sullied by Clinton-era scandals.
" President Bush faces a serious test of leadership," said Howard Dean,
chairman of the Democratic National Committee. "Will he keep his pledge to hold
his administration to high ethical standards and give the American people what
they deserve, and will he answer to the American people for these serious
At the White House, the short-term strategy is little changed by the recent
Bush will focus for the remainder of the year on pushing Congress to fund
Katrina recovery while reigning in nonmilitary spending, renewing the Patriot
Act, and making preparations for a possible bird flu or other pandemic. The
president plans to highlight political progress in Iraq and U.S. economic growth
in an effort to convince a skeptical public that things are better than they
seem on both fronts, officials said.
White House counselor Dan Bartlett said it was an "almost a back-to-basics
type of approach to governing" that is designed to show people that the
president is taking concrete action on things that matter to their lives.
"I got a job to do and so do the people who work in the White House," Bush
said in reaction to Libby's indictment.
Grover Norquist, the president of the conservative Americans for Tax Reform
who is close to the White House, said Bush is on the right track. "You don't
need any Hail Mary passes at this point," he said.
All agree that Bush must make a quick and sound selection for the Supreme
Court now that Miers no longer is in line to succeed retiring Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor. With an announcement expected soon, White House officials and their
allies have great hopes it will steal space from the bad news, heal the rift
with conservatives that the Miers' nomination caused and regain momentum for
Norquist said that will happen if Bush names someone with a clear record of
conservative credentials. "We will get a completely unified right," Norquist
said. "Bygones are bygones."
Aides also hope Bush will benefit from his schedule. Foreign policy will
dominate much of Bush's attention as he spends much of November traveling to
South America and Asia.
Bush dislikes reacting to the kind of advice from punditry that has been so
plentiful in recent weeks. So more comprehensive changes at the White House,
whether a staff shake-up or bold new ideas, probably will wait. Aides are
looking to Bush's State of the Union address early next year as the vehicle to
unveil policy proposals.
At the same time, the president intends to return as planned in the new year
to priorities such as overhauling Social Security, simplifying the tax laws and
addressing immigration.
Meantime, a replacement must be found for Libby, the Cheney alter-ego and
influential White House player whose departure leaves a huge gap.
Among those discussed as top contenders are Cheney's counsel, David
Addington; the U.S. ambassador to Turkey, Eric Edelman; and Dean McGrath,
Cheney's deputy chief of staff.