Iraqi death toll much higher than US (AP) Updated: 2005-10-26 08:59 Judith Yaphe, a former CIA Iraq analyst and a senior fellow at National
Defense University, said she accepts estimates of 20,000 to 30,000 killed.
Anthony Cordesman, a military analyst at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington, said in a report issued Friday that the
Iraq Body Count figure of about 30,000 Iraqis killed was "extremely uncertain" —
but that it did seem the best estimate available.
Iraq Body Count's figures include Iraqi civilians killed by U.S. forces as
well as by insurgents and militia. They also include homicides stemming from the
breakdown in law and order.
The AP's count is based on reports from police, hospitals, government
officials and eyewitnesses. The death toll includes Iraqi police and military —
but not insurgents, victims of ordinary homicides or the nearly 1,000 Shiite
pilgrims killed August 21 in a bridge stampede after someone shouted a suicide
bomber was in the crowd.
There is no way of knowing how many deaths go uncounted, especially in areas
too remote or dangerous to visit.
Estimates from other experts who measure overall Iraqi deaths, including
insurgents and Iraqi troops, range higher than 30,000.
Michael O'Hanlon, a military analyst at the Brookings Institution who has
closely followed the war's casualties, said an average of 1,500 to 2,000 Iraqis
have been killed per month, about half of them insurgents.
While American troops are killed at the rate of about 60 to 70 per month, the
new Iraqi military suffers that many deaths in a week, mainly from insurgent
attacks that rose to about 90 per day in September, O'Hanlon said.
 An Iraqi boy cries for his uncle who was
killed in Baghdad's Sadr City, a Shiite slum in the eastern part of the
capital, during overnight fighting in this Sunday Sept. 25, 2005 file
photo. [AP/file] | Exacerbating the carnage is the
Iraqi crime rate, now the highest in the Middle East, with about 10,000
homicides a year that would not have happened without the invasion, he said.
The total of Iraqi deaths — including insurgents — from all manner of
war-related violence could run as high as 70,000, said O'Hanlon, who teaches a
course at Columbia University on estimating war casualties.
"These numbers matter a lot," O'Hanlon said. "They matter in humanitarian
terms. And they fuel the insurgency, because the perception and sometimes the
reality is that we haven't done enough to protect innocent Iraqi lives."
One effort to count deaths, a study published in the Lancet medical journal
last October, estimated that 98,000 more civilians died in Iraq since March 2003
than would otherwise have been expected. Many experts were skeptical of those
findings, which were based on extrapolations.
As high as it is, the Iraqi death rate so far is much lower than that of the
Vietnamese during the 1954-1976 Vietnam War, when about 1.1 million Vietnamese
fighters and some 2 million civilians were killed — a rough average of 12,000
per month.
The Pentagon made it clear from the start of the Iraq invasion that it would
not be counting Iraqi bodies, perhaps a reaction to the enduring embarrassment
from its inflating Vietnam War body counts to demonstrate U.S. success in the
John Sloboda, the director of Iraq Body Count, said the counting is left to
volunteers like him, scouring the news for reports of Iraqis killed. He believes
his own group's count is low.
News organizations have periodically tried to gauge the toll. A 2003 AP
survey of records in large Iraqi hospitals found at least 3,240 civilians had
been killed in the war's first month.
Responsibility for the tally now belongs to the Iraqi government and not the
U.S. military, said Boylan.
But Iraqi government statistics have mainly covered those killed by
insurgents, not by U.S. or Iraqi troops. Sloboda said government figures were
consistently lower than his media-based estimates.
Whatever the figure, the rate of killing appears to be growing.
"Most Iraqis remain less secure than they were under Saddam, less secure even
than they were in the first year of the American occupation," said James
Dobbins, a former Bush administration envoy to Afghanistan and veteran diplomat
who now directs the Rand Corp.'s International Security and Defense Policy
Dobbins supplied figures from the Baghdad morgue that show 1,800 violent
deaths in 2002, Saddam Hussein's last full year in power. That number jumped
beyond 6,000 in 2003, the first year of the American occupation, and topped
8,000 last year, he said.
"Under Saddam, you usually were OK as long as you kept your mouth shut," said
Joost Hiltermann, an Iraq analyst with the International Crisis Group. "Now you
might get hurt or even killed almost arbitrarily, given the absence of rule of
law, the sectarian fighting, insurgent actions and U.S. carelessness in
responding to attacks."
Another Center for Strategic and International Studies expert, Jon Alterman,
who heads the think tank's Middle East program, said: "Almost certainly, there
were more deaths in the last 2 1/2 years than there would have been had Saddam
stayed in power."
But Boylan disputed assertions that Iraq was safer under Saddam.
"The mass graves hold the truth," he said.