US military deaths reach 2,000 in Iraq (AP) Updated: 2005-10-26 08:46 As a sign of those challenges, one of Iraq's most ruthless terror groups —
al-Qaida in Iraq — claimed responsibility for Monday's suicide attacks against
hotels housing Western journalists and contractors in Baghdad, as well as
suicide bombings Tuesday in northern Iraq.
In the latest casualty reports, the Pentagon said Staff Sgt. George T.
Alexander Jr., 34, of Killeen, Texas, died Saturday in San Antonio of wounds
suffered Oct. 17 in a blast in Samarra, a city 60 miles north of the Iraqi
Earlier Tuesday, the U.S. military announced the deaths of two unidentified
service members — a sailor and a Marine — in fighting last week in a village 25
miles west of Baghdad. Those announcements brought the U.S. death toll to 2,000,
according to figures compiled by The Associated Press.
It was unclear who was the 2,000th service member to die in Iraq since the
U.S. military often delays death announcements until families are notified. On
Monday, for example, the U.S. command announced that an unidentified Marine was
killed in action the day before — after the deaths of the three service members
reported Tuesday.
In an e-mail statement to Baghdad-based journalists, command spokesman Lt.
Col. Steve Boylan said media attention on the 2,000 figure was misguided and
"set by individuals or groups with specific agendas and ulterior motives."
He described the grim statistic as an "artificial mark on the wall" and urged
news organizations to focus more on the accomplishments of the U.S. military
mission in Iraq.
 Cindy Sheehan, the military mother who made
her son's death in Iraq a rallying point for the anti-war movement, holds
a candle in front of the White House in Washington, D.C., October 25,
2005. [Reuters] | For example, Iraqi officials announced Tuesday that voters had approved a new
constitution in the Oct. 15 referendum, laying the foundation for
constitutional, democratic Iraqi government after decades of Saddam's tyranny.
"I ask that when you report on the events, take a moment to think about the
effects on the families and those serving in Iraq," Boylan wrote. "The 2,000
service members killed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom is not a
Boylan said the 2,000th service member to die in Iraq "is just as important
as the first that died and will be just as important as the last to die in this
war against terrorism and to ensure freedom for a people who have not known
freedom in over two generations."
He complained that the true milestones of the war were "rarely covered or
discussed," including the troops who had volunteered to serve, the families of
those that have been deployed for a year or more, and the Iraqis who have sought
at great risk to restore normalcy to their country.
"Celebrate the daily milestones, the accomplishments they have secured and
look to the future of a free and democratic Iraq and to the day that all of our
troops return home to the heroes welcome they deserve," Boylan wrote.
In the latest fighting, U.S. and Iraqi troops raided insurgent safe houses
Tuesday northwest of Qaim, a tense town near the Syrian border along a major
infiltration route for foreign fighters. At one safe house, where women and
children were also staying, an exchange of fire detonated an insurgent's suicide
vest, causing the roof to collapse, a U.S. statement said.
"The women and children were rescued from the rubble and treated by medical
personnel," the statement added. U.S. aircraft then destroyed three buildings
after the survivors were taken to a safe area, the statement said.
Elsewhere, suicide car bombs exploded Tuesday in the generally peaceful
Kurdish province of Sulaimaniyah, killing 12 people. Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed
responsibility in an Internet statement.
The group also said it was behind the three suicide car bombs aimed at the
Palestine and Sheraton hotels in Baghdad. Deputy Interior Minister Maj. Gen.
Hussein Ali Kamal said 17 people were killed — mostly hotel guards and
passers-by — in Monday's attack, which involved bombers driving two cars and a
cement truck.
The U.S. soldier who shot and killed the truck driver said he initially had a
hard time seeing the truck drive through the breach that the first car explosion
had created in the concrete wall.
"Once the dust and the debris settled down, I noticed the truck had already
breached through our perimeter," Spc. Darrell Green told CNN American Morning.
"He backed up and then pulled forward. As he was doing that, I engaged in
machine gun and took out the driver. If he had made it through, he could have
done a lot more damage, a lot more casualties than what actually happened."
In a Web posting, al-Qaida in Iraq said it carried out the hotel attack to
target a "dirty harbor of intelligence agents and private American, British and
Australian security companies." The hotel complex houses offices of the AP and
other media organizations.
Also Tuesday, insurgents killed six Iraqis — a 7-year-old boy, two Iraqi
soldiers and three policemen — and wounded 45 others in a series of attacks in
A video posted on an Islamic extremist Web site showed a U.S. soldier being
shot in Iraq while guarding an armored vehicle. The militant Islamic Army in
Iraq said one of its snipers killed the soldier in Baghdad on Monday, but the
U.S. military said it could not verify the authenticity of the