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China opens new chapter in space history
Updated: 2005-10-13 07:18

In Jiuquan city, several hours' drive away from the satellite launch center, a sense of local pride was clearly visible.

"Wishing a successful launch of Shenzhou VI," said a large red poster in front of one of the city's hotels, while billboards advertised special "Shenzhou Rice Wine."

"We're very happy about all this," said Ma Li, a teenage resident of Jiuquan city. "It's amazing that we Chinese gradually have the know-how to pull this kind of thing off," she said.

Peaceful use of space

China had stressed that its space program was peaceful and it did not want to enter any arms race in space.

China develops space technology purely for peaceful purposes, Premier Wen Jiabao said, adding that China is willing to cooperate with other nations in the development of space science and technology.

The United States congratulated China on successful launch and welcomed any effort to make peaceful use of space.

"We obviously congratulate China on the successful launch of its second manned space mission," Deputy State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said.

"Our view is that the peaceful use of space is something that is appropriate and we welcome China's developments in this area."

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