Jacky Cheung to quit "Snow Wolf Lake" (CRIENGLISH) Updated: 2005-10-11 10:40
Hong Kong star Jacky Cheung will step down from his lead role in the
celebrated musical "Snow Wolf Lake" after the January 7 performance at Beijing's
Capital Gymnasium next year.

Jacky said that the reputation of "Snow Wolf Lake" was now well-established
and it will now enjoy a regular precence on the Chinese theatre scene. Cheung
will now take the role of the musical's Artistic Director.
Jacky Cheung's last performance next January will be the 53th performance in
its world tour since the premiere in Beijing at the beginning of this year.
Other changes of cast include Singer Xu Huixin and Chan Chungling replacing
Kit Chan and Tang Can as the lead actresses. "Snow Lake Wolf" is part-pop,
part-Hollywood musical.
It's been applauded as one of the most important Chinese-language musicals
since its debut in 1997.