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Former Palestinian security chief Moussa Arafat slain
Updated: 2005-09-07 11:55

Late Tuesday a rocket fired from Gaza exploded harmlessly in a field inside Israel. Such rocket fire has been rare since Israel's pullout began.

Also, the Palestinian Cabinet issued a statement saying that after inspections, it was found that 70 percent of the greenhouses in the settlements are in good condition. The Cabinet called on Israel to allow Palestinian workers to return there next week.

Israel emptied all 21 settlements in Gaza and four in the northern West Bank two weeks ago according to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's "disengagement" plan. Sharon said the pullout would strengthen Israel's security, reduce international pressure and solidify its hold on main West Bank settlements.

On Tuesday Israel said it approved construction of 117 new houses in the Ariel settlement in the heart of the West Bank.

The United States has urged Israel not to expand West Bank settlements, in line with a construction freeze under the internationally backed "road map" peace plan.

Israeli officials said the 117 houses would be built in the center of Ariel and would not expand the settlement's territory. However, the Palestinians said any new construction in Ariel is problematic because of its location, deep in the West Bank.

"If they insist on keeping the settlement, they will destroy the prospect of a contiguous, viable Palestinian state," said Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat.

Ariel Mayor Ron Nachman told The Associated Press that the Defense Ministry also approved preliminary plans for a new 3,000-home neighborhood in the southern part of his settlement. The project would nearly double the size of Ariel. Israel TV said the plan is to build the homes over 10 years.

The United States, along with the European Union, Russia and the United Nations, has repeatedly demanded Israel freeze all settlement expansion, in line with the road map.

Militants claim they killed Moussa Arafat

The Popular Resistance Committees, a Palestinian militant group, claimed responsibility Wednesday for storming the heavily guarded home of Gaza's former security chief and killing him in a burst of gunfire

A spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees, Mohammed Abdel Al, said the group would hold a news conference later in the day to provide more details. Abdel Al referred to Arafat as a "collaborator" with Israel.

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