A SWAT team drives past flood victims waiting
at the Convention Center in New Orleans, Thursday, September 1, 2005. New
Orleans descended into anarchy Thursday as corpses lay abandoned in street
medians, fights and fires broke out, cops turned in their badges and the
governor declared war on looters. "They have M-16s and they're locked and
loaded," Gov. Kathleen Blanco said of 300 National Guard troops who landed
in New Orleans fresh from duty in Iraq. "These troops know how to shoot
and kill, and they are more than willing to do so, and I expect they
will." [AP]
 A Hurricane Katrina refugee holds a baby up
for air while a massive crowd gathers outside the Louisiana Superdome in
New Orleans, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2005. By Thursday evening, 11 hours after
the military began evacuating the Superdome, the arena held 10,000 more
people than it did at dawn. National Guard Capt. John Pollard said
evacuees from around the city poured into the Superdome and swelled the
crowd to about 30,000 because they believed the arena was the best place
to get a ride out of town. [AP]