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No agreement with EU at textile talks
By Jiang Wei (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-08-26 05:55

China and the European Union failed to reach an agreement yesterday at talks in Beijing aimed at solving the current textile impasse.

A Chinese shopper checks out cloth at a textile shop in Beijing yesterday.[newsphoto]
A Chinese shopper checks out cloth at a textile shop in Beijing yesterday. [newsphoto]
The two sides conducted serious talks towards an effective solution to the thorny issue, China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said in a statement.

The Chinese side expressed great concern over the Chinese textile stockpile at EU customs, while the EU admitted the policy did not meet the interests of its domestic traders and consumers, MOFCOM said.

The EU delegation was headed by Fritz-Harald Wenig, the trade director of the European Commission. Chinese negotiators were led by the director of MOFCOM's foreign trade department, Lu Jianhua.

According to statistics published by EU customs on Wednesday, eight of 10 categories of Chinese textiles have already reached their quota limit, set in June.

The June agreement restricts annual growth of EU textile imports from China to 8 - 12.5 per cent over the coming three years.

Forty-eight million sweaters, 17 million pairs of trousers and hundreds of tons of other textile products are piling up at EU borders, unable to access the market, statistics from EU show.
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