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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-07-27 09:05

Victor Wong's new album warms fans


Victor Wong's new album warms fans

Malaysian singer Victor Wong Pin Kuan has just released his new album in Beijing.

He expresses his inner feelings in this new album to present a real, clean and pure self.

At a press conference Monday afternoon in Beijing, Victor Wong insisted on playing the guitar himself while singing in spite of the injury on his right hand.

Fans were greatly moved by his earnestness as well as his songs.

Victor Wong was a member of the former hot duo "Wu Yin Liang Pin". He has made great efforts to create a new sound for himself after the duo's disbandment in 1999. He has proved his talents since the release of his first solo album. 




duo : (二人组合)

disbandment: the act of separating(解散)

solo: composed or performed by a single voice or instrument(独唱的)

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