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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-07-25 13:59

"Seven Swords" goes back to basics

徐克的《七剑》终于磨炼完毕,蓄势待发。7月21日,他将率领众“剑侠”现身上海,揭开这部电影的神秘面纱。 由于天时地利因素,整个8月的影视,新进大片只有《七剑》。蛰伏数年的徐老怪再现江湖,能否一举赢得8月票房?

"Seven Swords" goes back to basics

Unlike recent blockbusters with lots of computer-generated effects and actors hooked on wires flying through the air, director Tsui Hark says his latest film, "Seven Swords", will bring the heroes back to earth.

"Seven Swords" is based on a 1970s martial arts novel set in the 1600s, the beginning of the Ching dynasty.

Repressed villagers sought the help of a martial arts master who cast seven magical swords, each with special powers.

These were later used by seven heroes to defend and protect the villagers.

But director Tsui Hark wants the audience to see these heroes in a different light.

"Can one man take on 100 others? Can he have unlimited energy? These are the realistic elements I've put into Seven Swords," he said.

The film took the entire production to rural Xinjiang and the Gobi Desert.

The star-studded and multi-Asian cast includes Leon Lai, Charlie Young and Kim So Yeun.

MediaCorp Raintree Pictures and Eng Wah are the distribution partners for "Seven Swords", which will hit Singapore screens on August 4.



repressed: characterized by or showing the suppression of impulses or emotions (被压抑的)

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