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Taiwan secessionism 'enemy of all Chinese'
By Xing Zhigang (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-07-12 05:44

He urged people across the Straits to launch an all-out fight against secessionist forces.

Members of the Taiwan delegation and 24 mainland researchers on cross-Straits studies attended the forum.

Wang said the eight-year war of resistance has taught the Chinese people a good lesson that "only a rich and powerful China can avoid being bullied by others."

He went on to emphasize that China has to achieve reunification in order to become powerful.

"Only a reunited China can really become a powerful country in the world," Wang told the forum.

Yok said his party will work jointly with the entire Chinese people to oppose "Taiwan independence" and work for peaceful reunification across the Straits.

Participants to the event agreed that the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration had been promoting "independence" for the island since taking power in May 2000.

The Taiwan authorities, headed by Chen Shui-bian, has been pushing for "independence" through a "constitutional re-engineering project." Chen planned to write a new "constitution" for the island in 2006 and enact the document in 2008, a move widely considered tantamount to moving the island towards a declaration of formal "independence."

Wang Chien-shien, a member of the New Party delegation, said the DPP administration was also promoting creeping pro-independence moves through a "de-Sinofication" policy in the culture, history and education sectors.
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