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World's police co-ordinate terror fight
(China Daily)
Updated: 2005-07-11 05:36

"You can never over-estimate the value of a briefing from overseas partners," Hayman said on Saturday. "We wanted to be joined up because this type of terrorism affects the world."

Officers from 32 countries including France, Italy, Australia, Israel, the Czech Republic, Japan, the Netherlands, Turkey, the United States and Switzerland are attending the summit. They also include a delegation from Spain, whose officers are hoping to share knowledge gleaned after the Madrid bombings.

One security source said: "We learnt after Madrid that it is important to get a scrum down early on and swap information."

The emergency meeting comes after Italian police arrested 142 people on Saturday as part of an anti-terror operation in Milan, which was launched almost immediately after the London attack. One and a half kilograms of explosive were recovered in raids involving more than 2,000 Carabinieri and directly aimed at boosting security at underground stations in the city.

Later it emerged that an unknown al-Qaida group, which last week claimed responsibility for the London bombings on a website, had threatened Italy and Denmark with similar attacks, although its credibility has been questioned.

Meanwhile, in Dubai a group claiming links to al-Qaida also revealed in an Internet statement that it was behind the London attacks. "A group of mujahideen from the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades delivered one blow after the other in the infidels' capital, the capital of the English," said the statement signed by the group. It is the third such claim by different groups.
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