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IOC members surprised by drop of baseball, softball from 2012 Olympics
Updated: 2005-07-08 15:18

Some members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) expressed their surprise on Friday with the exclusion of baseball and softball from the 2012 Olympic Games.

"I am really suprised, after all I would have expected no change, if there is any change, one is maximum, therefore I am quite surprised," said IOC's German member Thomas Bach.

Baseball and softball were voted out of the program of the 2012 Olympic Games in London after failing to garner more than half of the votes of the 100-plus IOC members at the 117th IOC Session.

But the two remain Olympic sports and are still eligible for being included in the 2016 Games.

"For me the vote result is a surprise," said IOC member Walther Troeger. "I thought all the 28 sports would pass."

After baseball and softball are excluded, the five applicant sports, including golf, rugby, karate, squash and roller sports, will have the chance to fill the void.

"The exclusion of the two sport show that the IOC members wantto make room for new sports," said Troeger.

"Baseball and softball now have to work hard to reconstruct their reputation to come back into the Olympic program," he said.

The last sport eliminated from the Summer Olympics was polo _ in 1936.

In 2002, IOC president Jacques Rogge proposed that baseball, softball and modern pentathlon be dropped, and golf and rugby added. But IOC members resisted and no vote was taken.

Rogge then decided to institute a review of the sports after each Olympics based on a number of criteria. Key issues include global participation, spectator attendance, anti-doping policies, and whether the sport brings the world's top athletes to the games.

Bach could figure out why the baseball might be voted out but did not expect the removal of softball.

"The international baseball federation couldnot ensure the bestbaseball players to participate in the Games, and the members felt the target of the Olympic Games is to include the best athletes in the Games.

"The members felt the best players of baseball are not interested in the Games, then why should we keep it on the program. "

"But I don't know what is the reason for the softball, you haveto ask the IOC members who voted individually.

Bach, however, said that it is not the doomsday for baseball and softball, which still have the chance to come back.

"The impact on the two sports remain to be seen. The two sports will still be on the program of the 2008 Olympics, and have the chance to showcase themsevels.

"They can make use of the time to modernize and to correct the approaches and they may have a good chance to make the 2016.

Modern pentathlon, one of the three sports facing chopped in 2002, was safe at least until 2012 Games.

"If my explanation is correct, the modern pentathlon is bringingthe best athletes to the Olympic Games.

"It also has a great tradition, invented by the founder of the Olympic Movement. In the same time its very much modernized. The modern pentathlon has got the message and delivered."

The IOC Executive Board will meet and determine which applicant sport(s) may be proposed to the IOC Session for admission.

The IOC members will then vote by secret ballot on the proposalof the Executive Board. As previously stated, in order to become an Olympic sport, a 2/3 majority is needed.

In order for an Olympic sport to be included in the sports programme, a simple majority is needed.

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