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Mercury spikes as heatwave takes hold
By Wang Zhuoqiong (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-06-21 23:00

A heatwave gripped 13 provinces and regions across the country yesterday with the mercury hitting 42 C in some parts, meteorolical officials said.

A tourist tries to quench his thirst in front of the Tian'anmen Rostrum in Beijing yesterday. A heatwave has seen temperatures in the city rise as high 39.4C. [newsphoto]

China's north, central, east, southwest and northwest regions were all sizzling hot.

In Beijing, some parts registered 39.4 C - and the ground temperature was a scorching 50 C.

In Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province, the temperature crossed 34 C and will remain above that mark till tomorrow. The city also faces power shortages.

In Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, authorities announced they would throw open air-raid shelters to provide residents respite from the baking heat. The city is called one of China's "stoves".

In Zhengzhou, capital of Central China's Henan Province, the temperature hit 37 C for 10 consecutive days - the longest spell since 1967.

Beijing issued a high-temperature warning on Monday as temperatures approached 35 C four days in a row. The hot spell will stay till Friday when cooler air from Mongolia is expected to bring down the temperature slightly to 32-34 C.

"The clear skies and strong sunshine raise the ground temperature," said an expert with the Beijing Meteorological Bureau. "Strong warm air currents have caused the soaring atmospheric temperatures."

Children get treatment at Beijing children's hospital June 21, 2005. With the temperature reaching about 40 degrees centigrade, the number of child patients suffering from cold and high fever also increased dramatically. [newsphoto]
Meanwhile, it was a totally different picture in East China's Zhejiang Province where torrential rain has been lashing central and southern regions. While there have been no casualties, about 200,000 people have been affected and more than 600 homes damaged, according to local officials.

In addition, heavy rainfall over the past two days led to floods in the Xijiang River, Pearl River Delta in South China ; and Minjiang river regions in East China's Fujian Province.

Rainfall is expected to continue till tomorrow in these areas.

(China Daily 06/22/2005 page1)

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