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Immature plans on UN reform opposed
By Qin Jize (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-06-15 23:37

China has made it clear that while fully supporting reform of the United Nations with enhanced representation for developing countries, it firmly opposes the forcing through of immature proposals.

State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan reiterated China's views and propositions on UN reform yesterday while meeting delegates of a high-level meeting of the China-Arab Co-operation Forum in Beijing, saying the reform's first consideration should be the issue of development.

Citing the 60th anniversary of the UN this year, Tang said all member states should seize the opportunity to increase their input toward realizing the UN millennium development goals.

He said if too much energy is spent discussing reform of the Security Council, just one part of the UN reforms, September's summit meeting may not devote enough attention to the issue of development.

"This would be a big loss for the majority of member countries and we will not allow such situation to occur," he said.

Tang pointed out that any reform plans should be based on the principle of consultation to reach a broad consensus, which is the basic embodiment of international democracy.

He said forcing through immature proposals would worsen the situation and greatly undermine the efficiency and authority of the UN.

Tang told his Arabic guests that China advocates expansion of the Security Council in favour of developing countries, including Arabic nations.

"To increase the representation of developing countries in the UN Security Council is the foundation as well as the direction of the reform, a principle that we should all abide by," he said.

He said China could not accept a result that fell away from such a principle.

China is one of the Security Council's five permanent members with veto power.

Last week, Beijing criticized efforts by Brazil, Germany, India and Japan, known as G4 nations, to expand the permanent membership of the council as "immature" and a threat to UN reform.

(China Daily 06/16/2005 page2)

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