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Holiday rush starts as exam period ends
Updated: 2005-06-15 08:33

Yu Guojian said he promised to take his son on an overseas tour if he succeeded in last week's college entrance exams.

The Internet Education College of Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an of Northwest China's Shaanxi Province is attracting many college candidates and their parents with a concept of "the new choice of college candidates."[newsphoto]

His son Yu Zimin will be given a trip to Europe or Australia - about 11,000 yuan (US$1,325) to 15,000 yuan - if he earns admission to Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

"We've been waiting 12 years for this result," the father said. "I gave my son a computer when he entered a good high school. This time the prize should be bigger and more exciting."

According to some travel agencies, there are other parents like Yu who have called to book a bonus trip in July.

"The conclusion of the college entrance exams marks the start of the 'golden' summer for tourism," said Wu Derong, general manager with the outbound department of Shanghai CYTS Tours Corporation. "Family travelers will fill the majority of outbound tourists in July and August."

He said of the many clients who booked a four-night cruise to Hong Kong, most are families.

"Paying about 2,000 yuan each, the parents give their children a chance to experience life on a luxurious cruise ship," Wu said.

With workers at thousands of factories being offered one week paid leave due to expected power shortages, many agencies expect outbound tourists in the next two months will surpass the combined total during the weeklong Spring Festival, Labor Day and National Day holidays.

Yu Weihua, vice general manager with China Travel International Ltd's Shanghai office, said Asian destinations would likely be popular.

"Considering their limited financial ability, destinations like Hong Kong and islands in Malaysia and Thailand will be their first choices," Yu said.

Japan tours - priced between 7,000 yuan and 8,000 yuan for six days - will also be attractive, he said. The same trips sold for 5,000 yuan more at the end of April.

As for inbound tours, destinations such as Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region as well as seaside spots such as Hainan Island and Dalian in Liaoning Province will be popular, said Zhang Jianquan of Shanghai Travel Service.

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