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Tibet's per-capita GDP set to hit US$1,000
Updated: 2005-05-31 22:46

The per-capita gross domestic product (GDP) of Tibet Autonomous Region is expected to exceed 1, 000 US dollars in 2005, which Qiangba Puncog, the region's chairman, said he is quite sure about.

In the past ten years, Tibet's GDP had grown at an annual rate of more than 10 percent, even reaching 12.2 percent in 2004, raising the region's GDP to a record 21.15 billion yuan (about 2. 55 billion US dollars).

In 2004, Tibet's per-capita GDP was 7,772 yuan (939 US dollars),75 percent of China's average, and listed 23rd among all the country's 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.

"Tibet's GDP growth is quite likely to reach 12 percent this year, which means the per-capita GDP of Tibet will then reach or surpass 1,000 US dollars," said Puncog.

With the estimated 12 percent of growth rate, Tibet's per-capita GDP in 2005 will be about 8,700 yuan, or 1,051 US dollars.

Puncog said Tibet's target in 2010 is to reach the country's medium level or to be listed above 19th among the country's provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, which means the per-capita net income of Tibetan farmers and herdsmen would be about 3,000 yuan (362 US dollars), in comparison with the 1,861 yuan (225 US dollars) in 2004.

"But as you know, the disposable income of urban Tibetans has long been close to the top in the country's list," he said.

However, he said, all these achievements are only be possible on the precondition of the stability and unity of Tibet's ethnic groups.

"If there is any problem with Tibet's ethnic unity, these goalswill become impossible. On the contrary, if the current situation continues, Tibet will have a chance to exercise its potential," he said.

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