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Updated: 2005-03-30 10:16

New fears for tsunami-hit resorts

刚遭海啸又遇地震 东南亚旅游业何时走出阴影?

New fears for tsunami-hit resorts
Phuket beach before the Boxing Day tsunami

A powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean, so soon after the Boxing Day tsunami, will be a big setback for the region's plans to revive tourism.

An earthquake 125 miles off the coast of the Indonesian island Sumatra triggered tsunami warnings.

Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and India issued tsunami warnings, but fears of a tsunami seemed to subside after around three hours and they were scaled down.

The earthquake struck at 16:09 GMT at a magnitude of 8.7. This was 11:09pm local time. There were reports of many deaths in the Indonesian island of Nias, south of the earthquake's epicentre.

Tourism in the region is likely to be affected whether or not the earthquake leads to tsunamis.

"As a direct result of the (Boxing Day) tsunami there is a risk that 9% of international travellers planning a holiday in 2005 have switched their travel plans to other regions," says a report published earlier this month.

The "Post-Tsunami global travel intentions" report, commissioned by the intergovernmental World Tourism Organisation (WTO), highlights how those worst affected by the tsunami have also been the ones hit by the sharpest falls in visitor numbers.

"Since the tsunami disaster, there has been a significant drop in international travel to affected tourist destinations such as Phuket in Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Maldives," says James Murray, executive with Visa International Asia Pacific, which co-authored the report.












Boxing Day: the first weekday after Christmas, celebrated as a holiday in parts of the British Commonwealth, when Christmas gifts are traditionally given to service workers.(圣诞节后的第一个工作日,节礼日,在英联邦部分地区庆祝的节日,这一日传统上向服务业工人赠送圣诞节礼物)

: to become less agitated or active; abate(平静下来,平息)

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