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TV airs tape of truck said used in Hariri killing
Updated: 2005-03-28 12:03

An Arab satellite channel on Sunday broadcast a videotape it said showed the moments preceding the explosion that killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri last month.

The tape aired on Al Arabiya television showed a truck believed to have been involved in the attack as captured by the closed circuit television camera of a bank near the site of the Feb. 14 blast.

Al Arabiya said the video was cited by a U.N. fact-finding team sent to look into the circumstances, causes and consequences of Hariri's assassination. It presented its report on Thursday.

The 90-second-long footage showed a white Mitsubishi pickup truck drive slowly past the bank and move out of the camera's range seconds before a burst of light floods the camera.

The footage also appeared to show a convoy of black cars travelling in the same direction as the truck, which Arabiya said was driving at slower than the normal speed.

The U.N. team said it thought the blast that killed Hariri may have been caused by a suicide bomber in a 1995 or 1996 Mitsubishi truck, carrying a TNT charge of about 2,200 pounds (1,000 kg).

Earlier this month, a Lebanese judicial source close to the probe said Lebanon's investigations showed that Hariri was almost certainly killed by a suicide car bomb.

The source said the probe was expected to show that a Muslim militant who had appeared in a videotape claiming responsibility for the attack soon after the bombing was in the car that ripped through Hariri's motorcade.

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